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hornby R2509 class121 driving motor break


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For reasons of heat dissipation (energy efficiency, and ease of fitting0, I would suggest you investigate the various cutable strips of LEDs in either Yellow or Warm white (or perhaps even bluer-white if for a 'refurbished' unit 8-).
The lighting can

then be turned on and off with F1, (green wire negative, blue wire positive. Alternatively, lighting can be 'aways on' and powered 'directly' from the track, with extra components - avoiding the current limit of a function output.

Some 'need to know'

info about them: Depending on make and colour, the LEDs may be in groups of 2 or 3 LEDs, repeating every 5cm or so, upto a full length of 25-50cm. Some strips are designed for 10V, but most are for 12V. CAUTION: if the supplied voltage increases to say 14V,

with the extra 2V will the current taken will usually DOUBLE !! ... this can be avoided with a few series diodes 1N4048 which can cost <1p in bulk.
The 'function voltage' from a decoder, between Blue and Function wires is about 2V LESS than the dcc track


If your dcc supply is from an unregulated transformer, then your on-track voltage may rise noticeably when no trains are moving (and the coach lights get brighter!!!). This does NOT happen when modern 'Switched Mode Power Supplies' are used,

as now required by EC regulations [ output of which is dc - whereas transformers are unregulated ac ]

A 'full strip' might draw 1/4 amp (250mA) and each group about 10-20mA. I tend to fit them in 2 separated strips/groups - wired in series (NOT parallel)

to save power and reduce the overall brightness. Do any soldering to the strips BEFORE you place them in position, or you will risk melting the plastic roof!!

For 'dc compatible use' on coached WITHOUT a decoder, a full-wave rectifier is needed as well,

or the LED lights will only work in one direction.
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This something I have done to my 121 along with fitting white/red which change with direction.

For the white/red Express models produce a kit which includes insructions on fitting, these were fitted to Function FO the usual fro directional lighting.


regards the interior lighting you can buy strips of lights ( led's fitted to a circuit board including the resistor ) Mine came from DCC supplies of Bromsgrove and have been fitted to function F1. These also come with full intructions. speak to them they have

details on the web site. But be aware your really need warm white led's as plain white look like flourescent lights.

The addition of lights really bring this model to life especially if you have it parked up in a station with the white/red left on and

shorttly before depature you turn on the cabin lights.

One point to watch out for is that as well as lights your will need to fit passengers and other assorted bits of junk to represent newspapers, empty drinks containers etc.
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