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Looking for Ideas for a Train Layout


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Start by deciding what space you have, and whether you want some form of end-to-end on a shelf, or a roundy-roundy tail-chaser.

You can get by with a 2 mtr by 20 cm shelf, for an end-to-end, but need about 180 x 90 cm for a very small chaser, using small tank engines or shunters.

Then decide if you want to go for 12v dc, or digital control. There are plenty of threads on that choice on here!

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You could also use SCARM (Freeware) to try out the feasibility of a few ideas. SCARM (Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller) can turn your 2 dimension track layout into a 3D model that you can perform 'flybys' to see the layout from different angles. SCARM has an extensive library of different manufacturers track components to use to create your layout. Hornby, Peco and many others and in most scales. Once you have designed your final layout SCARM can generate a parts list using the track manufacturers stock code part numbers. SCARM also supports creating a layout design with inclines, gradients, tunnels and flyovers etc. Being Freeware it is completely FREE to use without any purchase niggle screens or trial period time outs. I and others on here have used SCARM ourselves.


Note. DO NOT CLICK THE GREAT BIG GREEN DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LINKED PAGE ABOVE. THAT IS AN ADVERT. Scroll down a little way and look for the following Hyperlink text in the download section on the page SCARM 0.9.29 Multilingual

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Hi sibbok

I would sugest a book or books that iliistrate prototypical track plans something based on the real thing works best

its already a proven working plan.

Do you have any idea of what time frame you wish to use as stations changed over time geting bigger or smaller

There are quite a few stations mainline branch line or light railway that are ideal in a model railway setting

Avoid the temptation to cram in as much track as you can fit in the space this never looks good and limmits

the scenic potential of a layout.

Avoid first radius curves like the plague they will really cramp your style and what can run particularly if it is to be a smorghas board of trains.

Avoid the grand empire scemes they are big look really good in print and take a lifetime to build many of this type of railway,are the downfall of the beginer. who gets dishartend at the time and cost involved so try to stick to something managable and not to complicated.

It can always grow a bit later on and probably will.

Don't forget to ask your son what he wants he may want more than he can have [don't we all when it comes to trains ;-) ] but it may help in choosing a suitable plan

regards John


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