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Reducing volume on TTS locos

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I am just getting my layout back on, after uninstalling RM 1.61 and re-installing RM 163. Unfortunately I have had to set up all the loco's again from scratch and am just setting up the Class 47 TTS I purchased months ago.


Main loco CV changed and tested but as always the volume of sound from the loco is very high. Can anyway tell me which CV changes the volume?


Thanks in advance.

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Hi, I've  just dug out the Hornby Sound Decoder Manual for Class 47 TTS and I will quote the following:-

CV161 Default 4, Value range 0-8, F1 volume, Locomotive Engine, Suggested Volume level 4 

I hope this helps.


Brilliant ctr001.


When I read the CV's there was 18 for volumes and I sort of went, ermmmm.


I have adjusted CoN & DoG in the past, but racing to sort everything today I just couldn't remember.


I will change to volume 1, high enough for me and I am deaf!


Many thanks ;o)

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I have changed all sound CV's to turn down and wrote them.


Whilst doing so, I double checking the manual, I had looked at this earlier but didn't realise it was folded!


It says CV182 not readable... I have put in 001 and wrote CV appears to be OK having said that I had wrote them down already. Sound 01 is more than loud enough for me ;o)

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Yes, I was up late last night HB, usually earlier.  Actually in bed with iPad.


And a bit of a conundrum on CV182 PJ.  The leaflet tells you it can't be read but the implication is that it can be written, otherwise why have it.  You should be able to use the MK1 EARLUG to check if it has worked.

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Interesting about TTS, sound levels. Never found mine noisy, nor have ever adjusted. Could be my location, as room is very large, hence Table Tennis Table, and quite high, 11 foot, to my lowered ceiling. whereas, others have them in confined space. Very happy with diesels, having worked out how to make them perform. john

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Hi John


A very large room (lucky man) with a table tennis table... erm. Do you have to Ping to see how fast the sound comes back?


Sadly my layout is in the smallest bedroom so yes it is to a degree a confined space. But I adjust the sound for to reasons, first I find the sound they come to us at when purchased is to high for me/my layout. Second, many of my locos are now with sound, I don't want the loco assing me to be so loud that I don't hear the one on the other side or the one the far end so I find a suitable balance, usually volume setting 1. 


I am pleased you like your diesels, from memory I think you purchased the yellow banana Class 37.  


I have DoG, CoN (not diesels before someone says) and the Class 47 with TTS sound

I have Royal Signals Patriot and Class 37 diesel with Locksound


There is a big difference in the sounds, but TTS is a great budget priced sound system and I will be watching for next years models to see what is coming.


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Pj, hi, Have empress of canada, also, so, 2 diesels, coc, tornado and an A4, with locksound.. , so, 5 sound ones. Keep looking at  class 47. ita a pity in a way, they came out so late, as cannot justify, either fitting sound, or disposing of dcc  silent locos. My layout, sits on TT Table, and is 3 tier, DC, at bottom, DCC, in middle, and 3 rail/tt/n gauge at the top. I have extended table to be 9x5. Unlike you, i have No scenery, or signals.  My problem, is i wont part with anything, particularly 3 rail, which is my passion. You almost have sound, with the track and loco noise. john

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Thanks for the information, gentlemen.

I have reduced CV178 to 1 on my Flying Scotsman and Tornado. Way better in my small room, as the locos don't seem to be fighting each other.

Pity Hornby can't explain things more clearly in the instructrions.


A few of us have commented on TTS sound, volume levels, right from the start. Volume of 0-8, 9 settings, 8 sound levels above sound off, set at volume 8 seems to me that it makes the highest level sound very loud indeed. Many have said on here, volume 4 is very high and volume 1 is more accpetable, which is what they have set their locos to.

Volume 8, blimey, I cannot image a room for this, a massive warehouse perhaps. Dream on ;o)


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