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RailMaster with Zimo MX648R

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Ive been having trouble with Railmaster and an e-link running on Windows Vista ever since ive had it - it keeps de registering itself. Whatver version I install the same happens, it drive me nuts.

Ive decided to go for some sound on my Q1. So I bought a Zimo MX648R and speaker etc. I tried to get it working on Railmaster. To start with it kept getting error when loading. I cleaned the prog track and the wheels and tried again. This time it started to read - it got one or two CVS in then told me the chip isnt in the database, and I should contact Railmaster with some info.

I updated to v1.62 and got the same - is this an error or do I really need to contact Railmaster?


Anthony Cousins

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Hi Anthony,

When RM is asked to read a loco's CVs, it starts by reading CVs 7 & 8, which contain codes which uniquely identify the manufacturer and model of that decoder. If it finds codes which are not in its database, then that message is displayed. If you send that information to HRMS through the RM reporting facility, i.e. the values in CVs 7 & 8 and the Manufacturer and Model of the decoder plus a copy of the manual for it if you have an electronic version, then HRMS will try to put that information into the database as part of an update. However, when you get this message you should be able to continue to read other CVs.


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Anthony, Hi, you can ignore that message, in as much that it wont affect your, loco setting up. Quite a few of the newer chips are not in/ known by RM, and by telling hornby, it can be added to a future update. Put loco back on Programming track, and read cv, in full. Once done, you can set up sound functions. john

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Disconnect your main track connections from your eLink, leaving JUST the programming track connected. Then try reading your decoder CV's again. Disconnecting the main layout track sometimes helps as it can tend to act as an aerial and pick up electrical interference that upsets the CV reading process. If that improves matters, leave the main track disconnected whilst you perform your CV writing configuration settings.

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Anthony, Hi, you can ignore that message, in as much that it wont affect your, loco setting up. Quite a few of the newer chips are not in/ known by RM, and by telling hornby, it can be added to a future update. Put loco back on Programming track, and read cv, in full. Once done, you can set up sound functions. john


Just to be clear - you are referring to the message from Railmaster, rather than my post which immediately preceded yours?





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RAY, hi,  when i typed my reply, there was only  first post on the topic showing, which i answered. Being as how my typing speed of one finger takes a little time, with disabled hands, by the time i had  pressed the send button, yours  got there first. Quite a surprise, when one became 3., Having had this happen to me, eg the RM message before about the decoder, i knew, how he felt.. I can see how it looks, but it was the RM message i was referring to. I would not have dreamt , of suggesting anyone ignored  posts on here, unless, it was one of mine. john

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RAY, hi,  when i typed my reply, there was only  first post on the topic showing, which i answered. Being as how my typing speed of one finger takes a little time, with disabled hands, by the time i had  pressed the send button, yours  got there first. Quite a surprise, when one became 3., Having had this happen to me, eg the RM message before about the decoder, i knew, how he felt.. I can see how it looks, but it was the RM message i was referring to. I would not have dreamt , of suggesting anyone ignored  posts on here, unless, it was one of mine. john

Hi John,

I knew that would be the case :-)

Did you see my post in the 1.62 thread about startup timings and using the log.txt file?


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John - at risk of upsetting any other members of the forum can you not change your machine language to English? I can put my laptop into any of about 50 langauges it seems. Have a look in Control Panel for Language settings. Mght be Date/Time/Language settings. R-

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Thanks chaps, I got the beast working, after turning it all off, having my tea and a glass of cider. I turned it all back on again, and after the "not recognised" just left it to get all the cvs. Fantastic! This morning I hard wired the decoder and it works fine.

The deregistering thing I'll live with, its not a show stopper just a pain

Thanks for the help.

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Roger, it depends on the version of windows that you have. On the top versions, you can do as you wish, language wise. We came across this prob 10 years ago, when we bought our first Desktop. You can ask on set up for english, and all things like word, works etc will change, but the actual Windows, itself, stays in the language where purchased. it is fair to say, i have never tried on my laptop, and will do so. Thats why this is a uk built desktop. I dont know about windows 10, in france, and will look it up, but would be surprised.  I have RM, in english, as i have european version. but the point i was making which, RAF, has same problem with, is that french windows is very different to uk. one. I will advise you what transpires, when i put as you suggest. john

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