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ASD/ads 2/8 points decoders. setting up


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greetings. Had these all running perfectly, numbered from 5- 13 working perfectly. Have now assimilated  DCC, into a tier of the DC layout, and put all back with a result of chaos. Some points work in twos, and sum not at all. I find the instructions, that came with them very poor. What i want to do is set these up again, giving each point a number, and or changing existing ones. I cannoot identify individual wires, as go in to a morass, underneath. So can someone give me an idiots guide of how to identify which point is which, or how to start from scratch, one decoder at a time. eg, from 5, to 13. Whatever i try to change on schematic, eg 5, left hand etc, does not change existing point number. I need, when i go back to track plan. Please make  it very basic and easy to follow as the decoder Boards  are nowhere near laptop, and my red head lady wife, has limited patience, most of which, is already worn out.  thanking you in advance. john

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Hi John,

First of all, are you using an Elite controller, and does it start up in Standard mode?

It may be best if you use the Elite to try out the point motors without using RM. So on the Elite, select ACC address 5 first then alternately press each of the Elite knobs downwards to switch point 5. Then make a note of which point responding as point 5 on the layout. Then repeat for 6-13. It would really help if you at least knew which point is wired to which port on which ADS decoder. Then once you have identified which point is which on the physical layout, change your track diagram on RM to reflect this.


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Ray, hi, that helped a lot. Have 3 probs, When i change ASD, 2, and 8, to new numbers, and click to decoder, fine, but they then revert to old numbers, why,, next, point 11, despite being re numbered changes point 7, and point 6, decoder does not appear to work on leaning mode.  So poits 1-5, great, 6 prob, 7-10 great, 11 prob, 12-13 fine. I dont think i need to trace the wires to decoder, do you. john,

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Hi John,

"When i change ASD, 2, and 8, to new numbers, and click to decoder, fine"

Why are you changing the numbers? Have you numbered each port on each ADS with its unique address? When you try to change the address of a decoder port, could you tell us step by step what you do please.


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John, sorry to hear your head lady wife has turned red (that is intended to be a joke).  But maybe I can help out here and get both of you back to a normal colour (another joke).


What Ray is suggesting to you is, if the ADS2 and ADS8 are already programmed but switching the wrong points, why don't you renumber the points on your schematic to match the ones they are switching, instead of reprogramming the decoders. So for example, if you go to switch point 5 and point 8 changes, go into Layout Design in RM, right click on point 5 and change its number to 8.  Now when you change point 8, the correct one will change.  Now do the same for all your other point numbers.


Also, I don't have any ADS decoders, so I don't have the leaflet that comes with them, but from the DCC Concepts site, you can download the complete manual for them.  To me, that is well written, clear and describes in simple terms how to program them by having them connected to the track (as I'm assuming you have), switching the decoder switch to learn mode, then throwing the point number you want them to control (do it from your RM schematic) then switching back to run.  That should also fix it.

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Ray. My hornby Decoder does points  1,2,3,4., therefore, unless you change the numbers, tha ADS2, has no 1 and 2, and ads 8, has numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Hence when you click point, you would have problems, so i  have 1-14. . So, 1-4, are fine. On ads 2, i change to 5, click on the green symbol, change decoder   switch to learn, click, and it writes to decoder. Then when i click 5 on track plan, point works. Do exactly the same for the others, most of which are now fine. However, when i call up decoder on RM, numbers have reverted. Is that clearer. john    FISHY, have done all in para 2, as you can see.. Dont agree about clarity of instructions, and the hornby ones that come with theirs, only cover Elite.  I have one point no 6, where learn switch seems to do nothing, and points 7and 11, where when you click 11, 7 changes. Other than that, of my 13 points, 11, 4, hornby, and 7  ADS, are fine. john

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On ads 2, i change to 5, click on the green symbol, change decoder   switch to learn, click, and it writes to decoder. Then when i click 5 on track plan, point works. 


Sorry to be pedantic, but at this point do you switch the decoder out of learn mode back to the operational position, before you proceed to the next port. Also, I'm not clear what you mean by "However, when i call up decoder on RM, numbers have reverted.". Do you mean the address has reverted on the decoder or on the track diagram?


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Ray, how pedantic, yes, i switch decoder out of learn mode back to normal, each time, before moving to next one. SO on ASD 8, for example, first address is now 7, and so on, up to 14. When i recall the decoder, on screen, to check it, the numbers have reverted back to, 1-8. No problem with point nos, on track diagram.. Does that help. john

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Ray, how pedantic, yes, i switch decoder out of learn mode back to normal, each time, before moving to next one. SO on ASD 8, for example, first address is now 7, and so on, up to 14. When i recall the decoder, on screen, to check it, the numbers have reverted back to, 1-8. No problem with point nos, on track diagram.. Does that help. john


I still can't grasp what you mean by "When i recall the decoder, on screen, to check it, the numbers have reverted back to, 1-8.". In the next sentence you seem to be saying that you are happy with the track diagram, so what are you seeing on the screen where the numbers have "reverted". You aren't using the Accessory Decoder configuration facility which you use for your R8247 decoder, are you?


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RAY. yes, i am using the accessory decoder facility, but dialling up, ADS. 2, then ADs 8.EG, the DCC concepts decoder choices from the list provided in RM Thats what i have always done before. but in the past, numbers have stayed put when i have changed them. Now, in this facility, they are reverting back. john

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I must apologise to you. I have just looked at the accessory decoder window, and I hadn't realised that they have updated this to include ADS decoders.

 However, I'm not sure whether when you click on the tick to read the addresses from the decoder that this will work. If, like me, you have several ADS's connected to the main DCC circuit, how will RM know which one you want to read from - will it be the one which has the switch in learn mode? On an ADS8 do you have to have them all in learn mode to be able to read the addresses?


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Having looked at the accessory decoder window for an ADS8 decoder, all you can use this for is setting addresses one at a time using the learn switch on each port on the decoder. Yes, you can change the addresses to 5-12, but RM will not remember these after you have closed this window. The next time you go into that window, it will fill all the addresses shown with 1-8 as default values.

If I were you, I would forget about this window, and when you want to program an ADS port in learn mode, just click on the appropriate red/green button for its point on the main screen.


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Ray, we are both on same wave length, now, great. I felt sure that on rm, before updates, you could have 5-14, on decoder, but that may have been wishful thinking. I will try again, your way. These ADS,s are great, and i only have 13 points at present. I have an ESU, decoder, but there are about 37 pages on here, how to set them, and several, including me, have given up. Thanks for all your help. Have just got to figure out why 2 points change at same time, despite different numbers. john

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Ray, we are both on same wave length, now, great. I felt sure that on rm, before updates, you could have 5-14, on decoder, but that may have been wishful thinking. I will try again, your way. These ADS,s are great, and i only have 13 points at present. I have an ESU, decoder, but there are about 37 pages on here, how to set them, and several, including me, have given up. Thanks for all your help. Have just got to figure out why 2 points change at same time, despite different numbers. john

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