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Saving ini. file amendments

GWR Greg

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Hi Greg,

It looks like you need to change your permissions.


Right click on the ini. file

Select properties 

Select the security tab

Click on edit

In the group or user names box click on users.

In the permissions box put a tick in the modify allow tick box

Click Apply.

This procedure worked for me using Windows 8.1, different versions of windows might have a different procedure.


Hope this helps


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If Chris's solution doesn't work for you, then try this:

Navigate to "notepad.exe" right click this file and choose "run as administrator". With notepad running use the 'open file' menu option to load 'railmaster.ini' file for editing. Make your changes to 'railmaster.ini' and save.

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We have made life a little easier for you in editing the RailMaster.ini file.  Ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest version of RailMaster from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe.  Go into the Help/About screen and you will see a new small cog icon at the bottom-left area of the window.  Just click on it and you will be able to edit the INI file, unhindered by Windows system permissions.


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Thank you HRMS, for this information and it sounds very useful but is this advice given in RailMaster anywhere.

For example, I downloaded v1.62 and without knowing this shortcut, I checked the .ini file manually, through the windows system.

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Just to add a little bit more detail to HRMS's last post. I installed the auto-update version 1.62 about 7.30pm UK BST this evening. This auto-update version showed it to be revision 0. Seeing HRMS comment above I looked but could not find the cog referred to. Subsequently I did a manual download and fresh install as HRMS instructed in their post. The freshly downloaded version does indeed have the cog present. RM however still reports the application as being at revision 0 and not revision 1.


My deduced conclusion therefore is that the .ini editor has been added very recently indeed. It would be interesting to see if the online auto-update version has also been updated to include this additional .ini editor.


PS - I've electronically searched the revised 1.62 manual and can not find any reference to this editor tool mentioned in the manual. This gives weight to my deduction that this addition is a last minute modification implemented after the 1.62 version manual was written.

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I've mentioned this elsewhere in the Forum, quite a while back - why don't they just do away with the .ini file, and put all of the items defined therein into the System windows of RM. They could quite easily be set up in two or three new "tabs" in that window. Using a .ini file, to me, seems archaic.


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Most of the settings in the RailMaster.ini file should not need changing and changing them without knowledge can cause all sorts of problems that then makes it very difficult to diagnose errors.  That is why we, and may other software developers still use ini files.

So you think it's safe enough to have things like Com Port, Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, & Stop Bits easily accessible in the System Settings window, but critical things like Tipper speed & Turntable Time are much better kept out of easy reach in the .ini file ? 

tic :-)



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