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elink connection to bus


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Just about to build my first DCC layout. I am going to have a bus circuit for the elink and a seperate dc supply for lights. My question is can I wire the bus circuit straight into the elink? At the moment I connect from the elink to a connector on the track which I wish to use for my programming track. Hope this makes sense as my first step into trains.

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Just about to build my first DCC layout. I am going to have a bus circuit for the elink and a seperate dc supply for lights. My question is can I wire the bus circuit straight into the elink? At the moment I connect from the elink to a connector on the track which I wish to use for my programming track. Hope this makes sense as my first step into trains.

Yes, connecte your bus cables to the eLink then run droppers from the bus.

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Thanks for replies. One more question before I start , do I join up the bus into a ring circuit or leave end wires open for later expansion. I am fine understanding  joining in drop wires from the rails just the actual bus start and finish I can't get my head round.


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It doesn't matter whether the bus is open ended or a ring but if it's open ended it's best to have the main connection from the controller (elink in your case) reasonably near the middle so that the resistance to the farthest ends of the bus is kept as low as possible.

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Do I join up the bus into a ring circuit or leave end wires open for later expansion?


Potential 'can of worms' time asking that question. That question has the potential to trigger a never ending debate of people with opposing views. It has before. All I'll say is have a read of one the many previous threads discussing that topic. See link below for one example thread.


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At the risk as Chris says of sparking another long debate, let me suggest the long and the short of it:


If the bus is "short" it is irrelevant.  Only when the bus is "long" will it make any difference at all.  And the bus won't be long until your layout fills both car spaces in your double garage.  Then if you decide when your layout is this big to use a power booster as it is now big enough to do so, and so splitting it into 2 power districts, the bus for each will be short.


That's the short answer.  If you want the definitive long answer, read the Mark Gurries link referenced by poliss In Chris's link above.  He puts some rigour around how long is short and how short is long.


All puns intended.

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