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Decoder develops sentience???


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I've got a really weird for ya and I was jut wondering if anyone has seen this kind of thing before.....

Last week I was laying some track for my fiddle yard and I had my Royal Scot running while I worked - my father-in-law was cleaning

same loop at the time using a p**o track rubber.....

All of a sudden the Royal Scot goes from forward to reverse at the same speed and my father-in-law hit the stop button.

Ever since that happening when I want to use the Royal Scot it is behaving

more lie the real thing!!!! i.e. It starts very slowly (even when giving it full throttle) and gradually builds up speed - by a couple of minutes later it is flying around at the proper rate.

Anyone got any ideas?

I can see how cleaning the same

track with a track rubber while running should have any impact on it at all..

I'm a bit confused.com

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This sudden and unexplained reversing is mainly caused by loss of the DCC signal or a corrupt/poor quality DCC signal.
The decoder either gets a unrecognisable signal or a poor wave form and thinks its a dc power feed and acts as though its on

dc. Whichever the way the decoder received its last data stream will be the way it tries to move using the poor wave form until eventually it moves onto aclean piece of track or the data stream is better.

The best way to help prevent this is....Ensure

all rails are spotlessly clean. Ensure all pick-up wheels have spotlessly clean wheel treads. Ensure any rear of wheel wipers are making continual contact onto the rear of the wheels and that the inside faces of these wipers and the wheels rear face where

the wiper run are all clean too. Keep all rail joiners (Fishplates) tight onto their rails.
If you have a DCC bus, then adding Terminator Filters to the ends of all the bus wires will help clean up any poor quality data streams sent from the DCC system.


above text was copied from a previous DCC question on this forum re sudden reversing.[/i]

As for the slow starting it would seem the value in CV3 has been reset or adjusted in some way. As the locos acceleration rate has been altered.


keeping both the rail heads and the wheel treads of locs clean is paramount to good dcc running (as it is too with dc).
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