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Faulty DCC Select?


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I purchased a dcc ready A1 class Tornado and fitted a bachmann chip to it. When i tried to run it it wouldn't go without a little shove? once it's running it seem ok apart from when i try to run it at slow speed it just stops? once it has stopped i have to disconnect the power and leave for a few minutes before i can try and run it again!

I took it to a local shop and they reset the chip back to factory settings and demonstrated it to me on a lay out in the shop, it ran perfectly.

I got it back home and there is no difference?

i've tried resetting the controller, everything is clean and contacts are good?

Is my controller faulty?

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@ Philouzo...If you are using the 36-553 decoder the manual states..." The default CV values are suitable for many motors. However there may be instability in motor performance when the Back EMF control is not matched to the requirements of the motor. If this is found then CV's 54 & 55 should be adjusted"   Your problem is that the Select controller is not capable of addressing these CV's.  You could try adjusting the Acceleration Control as detailed on page 8 of the Select Manual. HB

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The Select is not NMRA compliant, so I suspect it's having issues with the Bachmann decoder. Assuming the loco runs OK on DC, unless you want to change your Select, I would try a Hornby decoder.


I personnally no longer trust Bachmann decoders as I have also had issues wih them, even with an Eite, which is NMRA compliant

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Phil, a belated welcome to the forum.  No need to address your problem, your solution is almost certaimly in the higher posts.


Michael, have you tried CVs 54 and 55 adjustment?  Many cases where this was necessary have been documented here.  It's not just a rare case as the decoder manual implies.

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PHILOUZo, hi, we are not allowed to  recommend other than hornby on this forum. My solution, would be to purchase an Elite controller from ebay. This is a controller made by hornby, and will do everthing you need it to. In the fullness of time, it will also work with laptop. Many of us use these, and are very satisfied with them. john

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