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Configuration Control of RM


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Whilst it is understood that HRMS maintain proper configuration control in-house - from a User point of view such control is difficult to determine and can result in confusion due to different revision states being 'on-the-streets' under the same number..


To illustrate the User end view:

There is a link within the Hornby site Downloads area to obtain the trial version of RM, which presumably is kept to the latest revision state.


There is a link at the RM forum page top to obtain the latest revision state and on occasion there appears within threads further links to obtain the latest revision state.


The revision state installed can be determined by looking on the RM screen bottom right hand corner for the main Version number (e.g. 1.62)and by hover-over to determine the sub Revision number (e.g. Rev 0).


Added to this is the new facility on the Help screen to click a cog to open the .ini file for amendment. This added by an addition to an existing version revision at the same number state but obviously not the same coding state.


Also HRMS tell us that background amendments may be loaded upon RM startup for such things as loco database, etc without affecting the revision state.


Would HRMS consider 2 things:

1. Amending the automatic update to flag up that there is an update available and would the User like to take it or not (as existing) and if so then to take the User to ...

2 ... a web-page where all Version/Revision states for all platforms supported are available for download such that a User may make his/her own decision to install whichever download is best suited to them.


This latter facility could include beta versions of revisions, available for download should a User wish to accept the risk these may not be stable versions yet. This could allow early User feedback to HRMS on effectivity of beta changes.



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