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Hornby E-Link Disconecting

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Hi There

My Name is Adam, I am new to the whole trainset and RM system so please go easy on me.

I have a small hornby set with the E-Link controller,
i have read all manuals programmed the Locs ect but when ever i go to
record a programme the E-Link drops out.

could any one posibly shed some light onto my situation please as its quite fustrating, the E-Link is plugged into a usb 3.0 port if thats any help

Thanks Guys

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 Welcome EBS

As you are using eLink you must also be using Rail Master (RM) installed on a PC/Laptop/etc as it can't work on it own.

(Another Adam - the site Admin - should move this to the Rail Master forum for you where it will be seen by more people with RM knowledge.)

From the Help icon in RM a screen pops up with the facility to report in any faults that you get.

Type in your email twice and describe the problem. It will ask if you have read the manuals, see the forums, etc then you can send it. It takes a while for RM to collect and send the files it needs as seen by a yellow bar. Don't fiddle while this is progressing as I have noted it can mess up the send process.

If you do it right then HRMS (Hornby Rail Master Support - as opposed to Hornby Customer Care) will immediately send you an email acknowledging receipt of your report and they will in due course get back to you with an answer.

USB 3.0 connections may/may not be a problem as people have pointed out depending upon your PC make.

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I'm using Win 8.1 and my Elite and eLink are connected using a USB 3.0 motherboard adaptor so generally you should be fine.


One quick check you could make is to look at the Comm port your eLink is using in PC Control Panel/Device Manager/Ports then right click for properties, then select the port settings tab and make sure the baudrate is the same as the numbers shown in the RM settings panel (115,200). It may be 19,200 in Dev Mgr,  which is the Elite rate. 


I've just checked mine in Dev Mgr and they were wrong for both Elite (9,600) and eLink (19,200), and it was working OK so I'll give it a whirl now and see if it still plays OK.


Edit: - Just checked and all seems well.


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 To check your eLink revision state go to the RM settings screen and with the General tab selected you will see at the bottom a cog wheel, which takes you to Dev Mgr and also the revision state of your eLink.


As always after having had a fiddle with anything in RM it is wise to close it down and restart to make sure it gets its ducks in a row properly. You may even have to restart the PC as well.


Some people have found it is necessary to start the PC first and let it settle before starting their controller but mine works fine 'tother way round, when I switch power to the trains distribution strip it fires up my Elite and eLink well before the PC gets a look in. 

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Hi All

After a weekend of updates ect my railmaster has now stared to fail seeing the e-link all together i have followed all the start up instructions, i have follwed the on screen instructions checked the com ports to make sure there same as the Railmaster settings and i cannot for the life of me get the controller to work

Does anyone have any idea at all as to why this is

I am running a packard bell all in one pc with windows 8.1 E-Link plugged into a usb 3.0 port and the pc is only used for railmaster no other hardware is on that pc

Thanks Adam

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Evil, hi, at thr start of Railmaster, i put startup, in locked thread, but to save you time, try this. Remove all usb, and power. Connect usb, connect power, Turn on laptop, wait, wait, wait. When every light on laptop stops, eg, hard drive stopped running, click on RM. Let us know what happens. If this fails, repeat, If after that,  we will advise next step. john.

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Try also using a usb2 port if you can free one up on the back of your PC, as well as downloading the latest, latest version of RM from the link on the RM forum page as not all v1.62 are the same.

if all else fails report the problem to HRMS from within RM help. They may resort to taking over your PC remotely to have a fiddle with it.


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Hi Rob / John

Rob Thanks for your reply i have just rebooted my pc and stuck the elink into a usb 2.0 port and then followed Johns instructions. My E-Link has now updated and seems to be connected so i am going to get a train to go round for a bit see if the elink dropps out :)


Thanks To both for your advise seems to have worked a treat up to now haha



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Evil, hi, great, its usually that, hence the reason for the locked thread. Provided you remember to wait, wait, wait, it normally connects. Its only a bridge between compter and elink, but it likes eveything stopped, eg, hard drive , to give it a clear run. As regards usb, 2/3. Keep it on 2. The elink worked probably best on windows xp, long before usb 3. I have found that dedicated laptop, windows 7, usb 2, is ideal. Others may/ will disagree, but works for me. Glad RAF and i could help. Keep your fingers crossed. john

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Hi Guys

Just a Quick update, i have had my train running constantly for a good hour now no issues with disconection to the e-link so that seems to be sorted now :)

My next step is to record a program and then set it to go off at set points in the railmaster clock as a schedual so shall let you know my progress at some point in the day haha


Thanks again for all your help just saved me a few quid on buying the elite controller haha



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