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Display position of point Accessory number(s)


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I have just uploaded version 1.62 and all appears okay. I don't think this query relates to the new version.

I have removed some surplus track using track design to try and reduce the overall display size of my layout. I simply removed some straight pieces then moved clusters of track, including points, to their new positions. The point indicators [the red and green buttons] do not move using this method and have to be relocated manually. I've done this and the accessory numbers [ i.e. 0076, etc] show correctly when hovering the mouse over the button. But on the layout display the little blocks with the numbers have not moved to their correct positions. Can anyone please  suggest how to get them to thier correct places?

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I have occasionally found that type of thing but it has actually been correctly displayed the next time I opened up RailMaster.

The only time it wasn't was because I had 2 points too close to each other but moving them slightly apart was enough to clear that problem.

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You need gaps only when the toe (single) end of points are adjacent either horizontally or vertically because then the point buttons will snap over the top of each other.  When points are heal to toe, there isn't a problem, they can be placed on adjacent squares.

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Thanks for the generic advice but that doesn't help me with my posted problem. I've re-started RM several times but cannot cure the problem so I've just sent a help request [from within RM]. I'll post again when I receive a solution, unless they answer via this thread!

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If you go back over some years 37, you'll find a number of instances of this reported and my memory says everyone had it go away after restarting, me included.  So I didn't say anything on it as you already had restart advice.  But I think previous instances were just track position artefacts, not point numbers refusing to move, so would seem your problem is new.  Will be interested in what HRMS have to say.

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Have you deselected the option, restarted RM, then reselected and restarted.

I can't remember if its done by a tick box in settings or an .ini file amendment.


I had problems with the points numbering boxes not moving with the points when changing zoom levels many moons ago, so in the end I deselected the option and put text boxes in instead.

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Have you deselected the option, restarted RM, then reselected and restarted.

I can't remember if its done by a tick box in settings or an .ini file amendment.


I had problems with the points numbering boxes not moving with the points when changing zoom levels many moons ago, so in the end I deselected the option and put text boxes in instead.


I'm a bit slow today, what do you mean by 'deselecting the option'?

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 I'm a bit slow today, what do you mean by 'deselecting the option'?


On the RM Settings screen, Loco Detection tab, bottom half of the screen there is the option to tick or not - Set points numbers on plan.

If you tick this box and after an RM restart the points numbers will show, if you leave it blank they won't.


If you opt not to tick it then you can put your own points numbers on the plan anywhere you like by way of text boxes - ABC button - in Design Mode. I have mine labelled T1 through T13 and placed adjacent to the points selector buttons.


Having checked the .ini. file the entry I thought was in there is for the points button direction indicator arrows which I think confuse matters so I have them off as well.

There is also the option in the .ini file to set points or not at startup - another subject covered elsewhere on th eforum.

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Interestingly, I realised yesterday that one of the points on my layout was no longer showing the round red and green icons.  I replaced them by dragging new ones to the centre of the point as usual and they clicked into the correct position.  A few minutes later, I noticed they had gone again.  The only way I have been able to keep them on the schematic is by moving the point along one square, so that it is even further away from any other points.


I should emphasise that I have other points in similar positions relative to other points on the schematic that are perfectly fine but for some reason, this one was not.

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I hadn't realised that the numbers could be hidden so that's what I have now done, thks to RAF for that.

HRMS were very helpful; they asked for a screen shot and then confirmed everything was as expected. I think it was simply that when points are close together the numbers take up a different arrangement, they were consistent so I probably would have become used to them. 

I like the idea of adding text boxes to identify points, say one number box central to a paired set, but once again I really don't need the numbers displayed but this may be useful in the future.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

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