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RailMaster with 2 eLink Boxes

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Hi, I have asked several questions in the past with regard to power capabilities on large layouts. As I get ever closer to building my system I have Railmaster with E-link planned as the control option. However, in reading the Railmaster instruction is mention one can have several controllers linked to Railmaster at the same time - one for locos and the other for points/signals.

So my question is - Can I have 2 e-link modules linked to Railmaster - one for locos and one for accessories?

I understand the need for 2 buses - this was always something I had planned so I would have one e-link for locos and the other for points/signals -so - is it feasibile??

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Certainly feasible but only an advantage in a very few situations I would suggest.  Accessories draw little current on a continuous basis.  The only heavy current is from the operation of solenoid points, as they are switching.  But usually this is via a CDU in the accessory decoder which recharges at low current anyway.


Consequently, overall current from accessories will be low so will not detract significantly from running locos.  Certainly allow for the second bus but I would not be buying a second eLink anytime soon.  Start operating with one and your two buses joined, then evaluate your options, including an Elite rather than a second eLink. 


In fact, you are likely to get more value out of the second copy of RM, if you have more then one computer, then you are from the second elink. 

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Thanks Fishmanoz,

 You've got me there!!! - how does 2 copies of RM help with one e-link? Actually I was thinking of buying a second computer - I have a HP 17" ordinary screen and have now seen the new HP 27" touchscreen which I wanted to use for point controls and accessories (having 92 points and accessoires to control). But I still do not see how this would benefit? Please explain!!!!

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Usually the only way you can buy an eLink is with a train-set and/or a copy of RM, hence the logic of a second copy of RM by Fishy. i.e. you buys one you gets 'tother.


The answer to your prime question is Yes - you can have one eLink on trains (Cont A) and one on Points (Cont B) using separate bus. I have Elite on trains and eLink on points.

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Ollie, there have been the odd problem with touch screens, and RM. nothing to do with RM, just fingermarks and constant cleaning. You would need a screen protector, that  did not show grease marks. 92 points, is adventurous, plus motors/ decoders. I would need to win the pools. john

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 Thanks for your comments - pool as well - I was aware that E-link only comes with RM but Hornby are clever in that you need multi copies of the software for multi computers -  i tried to load RM on another computer so I could design the track in 2 locations but it refused to load.

On the point of finger marks - I have a tablet so am used to the "dirty screen syndrome" - its a bit like glasses - first thing you do each morning is clean them!! But practially it is the only way forward for me - I was looking at touch screen attached to my current PC but with the new announcement from HP its almost as cheap. Two e-link  appeals to me since I feel the Elite is a might expensive and with the E-link you get the RM software as well which as Fishmanoz suggests I can develop on a separete computer - I think!!!

The aspect of development on another computer is an interesting one since I am still a novice with RM. Question!! If one develops a track plan and get it all working I assume that at a later stage one can take that track plan and develop it in an expanded plan so that you can grow your system or is this just too simple a view? If you develop on the fly I suppose you have to copy the plan to another name? What seems to be the standard approach - has the forum a suggested way?


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You are spot on Ollie about developing a plan on the fly.

You open your stable plan in Design Mode, save it as another name e.g. YourPlanv2, modify it and save again as that new name.

You can develop that new plan further or make yet another version by saving as YPv3, etc.

To use any of these alternative plans live in RM then you call it up in Settings as your default plan and away you go.


My whinge is the time limit set on RM trial version as there are times when I just want to look at something in RM on another pc or check for a loco oor icon location, etc but after the trial has lapsed you cannot then load RM trial again except by buying another licence. 

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