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for some odd reson i get inactive elink when its link to my pc but when trying over laptop it work all well and thay are both windows 10 i just need some help how to set this in railmaster to work it says some think about ports when updading to 00.8 firmwer

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Ad far as I am aware you can only have rm on one pc/laptop at a time. The license is for one computer only. Sounds like you loaded onto laptop first. Only way to work on pc is to deactivate software on laptop and reload onto pc. Silly question but why are you trying to use 2 computers. 

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I believe that the firmware is the elink/elite controller, in which case you may have have done the upgrade from the laptop you will not need to do it again from the PC.


 If you are not connecting from the PC check the comport settings on the PC, it must match the port settings on the controller. 


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Have you downloaded the latest version of Railmaster from the link at the top of the Railmaster forum? If your version of eLink firmware is 0.008 it looks like you are still using one of the beta versions. Current version of firmware is 1.07 which comes with the release version.

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Mrc, there is nothing odd about your inactive link.  This is exactly what most recent problems have been about.  And the solution is also in many threads, including those with Windows 10 or v1.62 in the title as this problem has been solved by HRMS for sometime now.


The first thing to do is to download and install the very latest v1.62 from the link, just as Nick has just suggested.  That should solve your problem immediately, although check those other threads on driver installation/update for RM if it doesn't. 

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