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to 1.62 or not 1.62

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Okay I have tried to follow the ever growing thread on 1.62, head now ready to explode. So far have not updated as rm and elink working like a dream. I have not however heard anyone say don't update, or wait until bugs fixed. This is the norm with any other type of software update. Am running laptop with xp. If the 1.62 threads are to be believed then the old adage seems true "let others sort the bugs then download 1.63".

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Well, that's one way to look at it but I would always do this another way... before telling you what that is it is maybe worth pointing out that everyone has a different opinion but what makes it harder to judge here is that everyone also has a different system so you will have at least each person coming up with scenarios of perfection (pun on name not intended!) or each person having problems. So how do you judge it? Not easy.


So, to the solution. You are running a laptop with XP on it... no problem. You obviously have a version of RM below that of the current update. So... if you have a version of that update as an INSTALLER on your laptop then why not just update to v1.62 and run it and see if it is stable enough for your system and keep it if it is OK?


If it fails to satisfy then simply reinstall the previous version and you have not lost anything.


A very useful tip for anyone wanting to do this in future is to download the setup file from Powerpos each time it is released and keep it. That way automatic updates upsetting the applecart can be taken straight back off. If you don't want to allow auto updates then turn off the net connection or disallow RM in the firewall or whatever other method comes to mind... there are loads so you don't have to accept auto updates.


Waiting for v1.63 will not improve your situation one bit... simply because each release can be bugged, cause issues with YOUR setup while others are OK etc. etc. etc.

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Personally, running 1.62 under XP with an Elite has been a bit of a disaster here, but unless someone does it and feeds back reports on the bugs to HRMS we won't make progress. As AC wrote, why not give it a go - nothing ventured nothing gained. And, as AC pointed out it's not an irrevokable step if it works out badly for you. I haven't reverted - why not - laziness I suppose or a triumph of hope over experience.



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Good advice AC


Regarding the automatic updates, if I remember rightly this is not done without user permission.


Hornby can make an automatic update available, but prior to installing the user has the option to update it at that time or to update it later. I could be wrong, can anyone  confirm this please.

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PJ, Every time i turn on RM, i lose seconds whilst it looks for updates. Bearing in mind, i do not have the latest 1.62, it finds nothing and opens as normal. What this appears to confirm, is that in the eyes of RM, 1.62, is 1.62, so despite there being a newer version, it does not update, nor tell me there is a newer version, and would i like it. Curious, is it not. It does not appear able to differentiate. john

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Hi John,

It is vital to differentiate between a new version and a new revision. A new version is when the number changes e.g. from 1.61 to 1.62, and these are the changes that RM will detect automatically. A while back, they started using revision numbers e.g. 1.61 Rev 2. Rev changes aren't autiomatically picked up by RM and you need to use the link if you want to. However, with 1.62 they seem to have given up on the Rev numbers, so there are one or two called 1.62 rev 0 which are in fact different to each other. 


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I wonder if they have actually given up on th Rev #


No sooner had they launched 1.62 to fix Windows 10 issues that they said they were working on the other bug fixes which will be in the 1.63 update.  


Receiving the Revisions between the versions was handy as specific improvements were updated for specific peoples problems, maybe HRMS are concerned to provide a revision for say, the signal aspects being wrong at start up as a similar issue was also reported in programming. They could fix the start up issues then find changes at the next level brings back the start up issue. 


Signals were added to RM almost a year ago, October/November 2014, and are still no where near sorted out. I do wonder how much will be acually fixed when they feel they have sorted the problems. Random aspects is important, working in programs is important, back down the line signals is over eight months old, but will feather signals work.


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PJ, Every time i turn on RM, i lose seconds whilst it looks for updates. Bearing in mind, i do not have the latest 1.62, it finds nothing and opens as normal. What this appears to confirm, is that in the eyes of RM, 1.62, is 1.62, so despite there being a newer version, it does not update, nor tell me there is a newer version, and would i like it. Curious, is it not. It does not appear able to differentiate. john


John, am I reading you correctly that you are running v1.62 but not the latest?  That of course explains why the auto update finds nothing, it won't until v1.63 is released and you are connected to the Internet. Even if the revision changes from its current zero.


What I can't understand though, given I'm right above, is why you haven't downloaded the latest from the link.  It is well documented in many threads here that the original release had bugs and that they all seem to be fixed in the latest, plus you get the cog in the Help window to be able to easily amend your Railmaster.ini file to include the 2 extra lines now needed.

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Fishy, all the bugs have in no way been fixed. Read the post of the guy who can not use his Elite, having updated.       My RM and Elite, and now Walkabout are all working perfectly.                   Given all these scenarios, why would i even think to risk my trains not running. The curious part to me, is there is a newer 1.62, the one with the cog. That being the case, when the internet is connected, and RM started up, and it says, looking for updates, why does it not find it. Having said that, i am staying, as is, until 1.63. I have not had any problems, and will not go seeking them. john

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Ray, hi, yes, i understood your previous post, but thought it worth repeating, in case HRMS, were  reading posts. Also to explain to Fishy, why  when everything fine, i was not tempted to risk the problems others were having. The idea of trains, being to run them, not constantly attempt to resolve software issues. john

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