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Programming with RailMaster


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Welcome to the forum JCD.

We may need more information from you on this one.  What type of traffic light have you got because assuming it is recognised by RailMaster, it can be switched and operated from your schematic display, just like your Loco's.

Let us know what type, make, part number etc so that the members can help you.

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JCD, whatever type it is, RM will operate it via an accessory decoder.  You might have a look in the RM manual on programming and operating accessory decoders and signals as this will give you the basics of how it is done.  Then we can tell you more when you answer RDS's question above. 

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Hi everyone,

Sorry for my bad english ... My problem is :

I use a lenz decoder to order rail referrals and traffic lights (3 colors).

I can order perfectly these items separately with railmaster.

Programming the rail referrals decoder I want to get th Hi e adequate modification of the traffic lights (3 colors) :

Which parameters do I enter programming the rail referrals decoder ?

Thanks in advance for your help

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I think evryone may be confused by the phrase "rail referrals" - do you mean "points" like this:-




And by "traffic lights" do you mean railway colour light signals like this:-



If these are what you mean, do you want to program the signal to change with the points?


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JCD, I am having trouble with the words you are using and suspect others are too.  However, I still think you are talking about running points and colour light signals via accessory decoders and suggest you take a look in the manual at the sections covering these topics.  These topics are clearly labelled in the table of contents.

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JCD, the words that are not making sense to English speakers are shown in bold below:


I use a lenz decoder to order rail referrals and traffic lights (3 colors).

I can order perfectly these items separately with railmaster.

Programming the rail referrals decoder I want to get th Hi e adequate modification of the traffic lights (3 colors) :

Which parameters do I enter programming the rail referrals decoder ?


For other's reading this:


I think "orders" = control, and I think "rail referrals" probably = point switching. As to what "Hi e adequate" means - not a clue!!


I think the essence of the question is 'How do I configure the Lenz decoder in Railmaster to control 3 Aspect signals?"


The issue I see is that the points are 3 Aspect (colours). We all know that 3 Aspect signals are only supported in Railmaster ProPack. The LENZ decoder model number is not stated, so we can only assume that it supports 3 Aspect signals as JCD seems to infer it does. But is this Lenz decoder supported by RailMaster for controlling multi-aspect signals?, probably not.


JCD - What is the model number of the LENZ Accessory Decoder?

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@ Chriss

Drop the 'Hi' which looks like an edit inclusion and it reads 'the adequate modification' which I think means 'operation of', so your translation becomes 'How do I configure the Lenz accessory decoder in RM to control the operation of 3-Aspect Signals'.

From that question the forum can better advise than I can.

@JCD - your English is a lot better than my grasp of foreign langauages so do not apologise for it.


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Ray, I think your take on "th Hi e" is spot on.


Had a quick look at the online manuals for LENZ LS100, 110 and 150 Accessory Decoders. Not a single mention of being able to use them for 3 Aspect signals. Two aspect, Yes, but not three.



JCD needs to confirm the exact LENZ decoder 'model number' being used to be sure.


I suspect that the answer to this question is that it is not possible to control 3 Aspect signals using a LENZ accessory decoder, even if Railmaster ProPack upgrade is installed.

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JCD, Below is an extract taken from version 1.62 RailMaster User Manual - Pages 84 / 85


Multi-aspect Signals (Pro pack only)


This powerful feature allows you to set up almost any type of multi-aspect signal, whether connected to multiple ports of an Accessory Decoder or where the signal itself has a built in decoder, such as those supplied by Train-Tech. RailMaster contains pre-defined profiles for Train-tech signals. These profiles will also work for signals attached to an accessory decoder, if wired correctly. You can also set up your own profiles for multi-aspect colour light signals from two-aspect, three-aspect, four-aspect including those with flashing lights and feather route indicators. Simply selecting the type of multi-aspect signal you have from the pull-down list will automatically fill in the sequence. There are up to 13 sequences for each signal and you can see for the most complex example, a four-aspect colour light signal with flashing lights, that four separate decoder ports are used to obtain the sequence: green, red, single-yellow, two-yellow, green flashing, two-yellow flashing, single yellow flashing and red. You can set any desired sequence, in any order using this system.


Based upon the above extract, it would appear possible to use multiple ports from normal accessory decoders to control 3 Aspect signals, but the RailMaster ProPack upgrade needs to be installed first. The manual however, does not clearly describe how multiple accessory decoder ports are used and configured to achieve this.


EDIT: For other's reading this: The only way I can see this working using multiple accessory decoder ports. Is to dedicate one port per signal colour (this statement is supported by the line in the above extract stating that 4 aspect colour signals require 4 decoder ports). So for example if using a 4 port R8247, 3 of the four ports would be used to control one single 3 aspect signal. Why 3 and not 2 ports I hear you say. Because the other terminal of each port is required to be left 'open circuit' to provide a 'signal colour off' condition. Think this all through logically and you should come to the same conclusion. This makes controlling a 3 aspect signal this way, very messy and a particularly expensive use of decoders.

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Traintech signals have their own decoder built-in to the base. 3- and 4-aspect signals are given two addresses - the initial address is used for red/green and address+1 is used for the yellow aspects. However, in railmaster such a signal is defined in the layout design window with only the base address. When used in RM if a yellow aspect is needed, RM automatically uses address+1 "behind the scenes".


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Thanks to everyone for your help.

I have Pro pack railMaster.

My problem  is : how to set parameters for associating the two-way point with the three-aspect Light signal ?

The two-way point, alone, works well (decoder Lenz LS100 4 port decoder - startup left - ID 30)

The  three-aspect Light signal (green/red/yellow), alone, works also well  (decoder Lenz LS 100 4 port decoder - startup  clear - ID 89)

Thanks in advance for your help.


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JCD, All I can suggest is reviewing the version 1.62 manual pages 82 / 83 - the section titled "Other Point/Signal (Pro pack only)" this section talks about linking multiple decoder ports together. So that for example, switching a 'signal' automatically throws a 'point'. I should imagine this feature works both ways in that throwing a 'point' switches a 'signal' as well, but only guessing as I do not have ProPack.


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Ray is the one to answer this as he has used the feature extensively.  I can remember he says it only works one way, not both, but I can't remember which way.  I also seem to remember you set it up by right clicking on the point/signal you want to control a signal/point in the RM Track Design window.

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Hi  St1ngr4y,

Yes for right-hand-point and yes for railway colour light signals.

Y want to program right-hand-point to change railway colors light... when y program railway colors light signal to change the points, that is good !

Thanks in advance for your help.


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... do you want to program the signal to change with the points ...

Ray, I think he clarifies his question better at the top of this page (2), rather than in the original post.

He does indeed, Dave. Have you noticed the time of my post? It has taken until now to get the picture approved :-)


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