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Elink + RailMaster - Getting Into DCC?

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I've just been flicking through an old copy of Hornby Magazine and seen an ad for the eLink and Railmaster products, with the ad saying that they were the simplest and easiest way to get into DCC.

Is this still the case, and is it really as simple as it sounds? How much does it cost to get set up with this stuff?



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It is fair to say starting with RM is now a little more complex than it was when eLink was launched 2 or so years ago, partly because RM is more capable and needs more things to be configured, and partly as later versions of Windows have bugs in their USB drivers.  But it is still by far the cheapest route into fully functional DCC.  For a similar price, you can start with Select but your DCC functionality is considerably restricted if you go this way and many soon find the need to upgrade to eLink and RM or the much more expensive Elite.


So on balance, the statement is still correct. And the price on this site is £70 for eLink/RM, £15 cheaper than Select.  You can of course find many cheaper DCC set deals with Select than you can the few sets with RM/eLink. But I would contend, the RM/eLink sets are still better value for money as they are much more capable.

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What you'll find on this forum Alessio, as you will know, everyone will have their own opinion on this. Try looking at the Tube for videos on eLink etc. and if you can wait a short while attend a show where you know or can find out a little about this from vendors or even displays running this setup. The guys on these displays are quite keen to show their wares and might allow you behind the barriers for a closer look if you aks nicely. I've done it a few times so it does happen.

In my opinion, yes there are some glitches, but you'll find that on ANY digital run railway just as you will on DC. It's really swings and roundabouts and what you prefer to end up with long term that will make your mind up for you. It's DCC for me every time as operation is computer controlled... via myself of course! :-)

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Alessio, RM/Elink is probably the cheapest way in to DCC.

it is not, however, easy to set up. Several people on here have had problems and are still having problems, especially those who were daft enough to upgrade to windows 10 so early!

personally, I had problems registering which were sorted out by RM support dialling in to my laptop and doing whatever they did! 

Now, however I am using, very successfully, RM/Elink on windows 7 version 1.62 at exhibitions in and around the Midlands. 


so, as far as I am concerned the answer to your question is a qualified no, it is not easy to set up, but yes it is probably the simplest and cheapest way in to DCC. Cost? Around 70-80 quid depending on where you buy it.


good luck


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I think you do a great disservice to those who upgraded to Windows 10 early on and calling them daft is not very pc is it. You may use those words tongue in cheek but still...


OK... try and look at it from another point of view instead. If no-one had upgraded to Windows 10 then no-one would have ANY clue about the driver issue that ensued... therefore HRMS would have been blindly adding more routines to RM and getting in a right old mess when everyone then decided to upgrade when folk like yourself said it would be safe to. This is not an approach that should be taken as the upgrade is down to personal choice and the faults were not all Windows or Microsoft faults. I am NOT going down that road though even if I do mention it once here.


Windows 10 is just like ANY other OS, whether Windows, Linux, Android or whatever... odd quirks upon release and fixes to follow. If everyone had exactly the same computers with one OS installed, same hardware, same software, same additions etc. etc. etc. then we would STILL have some technical issues to sort. It's called sod's law...


I upgraded to Windows 10 on two machines because I have to as my business is all about keeping my clients informed and allowing their businesses to grow with the right technology for them and their employees. So it's no different to any ordinary user and those wishing to upgrade to W10 to use with RM and their eLink units. It's their choice... and by calling them daft are you not also calling yourself daft for lagging behind and not embracing new technology with all the idiosyncracies it brings? Of course not. You chose not to upgrade but please don't label folk because they were brave enough to give it a go... and, because they could roll back to their previous versions, it was no great hardship to give it a try anyway.


RM and eLink is not difficult to set up at all. If you follow all instructions well enough it is very simple. It gets hard when something is missed and systems have software that gets in the way of it working correctly. Bugs aside the software and hardware and all settings are quite clearly laid out for all to see and, yes, one or two struggle. That's inevitable as some members cannot fathom stuff as easily as others. That's why this forum exists - so members can help each other and gremlins can be ironed out.


HRMS have said, as well as myself and others, that 99.99% of the time a non working RM/eLink environment is down to systems not being setup correctly with the firewall and AV products etc. Port mismanagement is one area for concern and Baud rate speeds have to match. The new fixes for the driver issue have seen folk trip up over the lines to add to the .ini file. So does that make them daft even though they use Windows 7 or Windows 8 in this circumstance?


I hope my words are not taken out of context and I do see your point but your wording is not right. Let's just help folk on here instead of bringing them down.

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Alessio, elink with RM, and Windows 7, way to go.  I agree with tony on this. Despite advice to wait, many did jump the gun. As to any clue about problems, All new computers sold had windows 10, so problem would have emurged anyway. AC, you have a vested interest in keeping up with technology, and thats clearly essential, but rushing in to changing something that worked fine, before, clearly, was a tad illogical. RM, and Elink, are now much easier to set up, as a result of our locked threads, coupled with great detail from HRMS. Those of us who stayed with tried and tested systems, have not needed as yet to get involved in INI files, which i think is a backward step. You would not do an ITunes update for example, and then be asked to go into its system files to make internal adjustments, before it would run. We are , unfortunately, making the job harder for non tec newies, to run trains, and that will reflect, in its own way. john

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Don't get me started on iTunes....


Compared to trying to play iTunes stuff from my pc to the big telly via Apple TV and iTunes setting up RM is a walk in  the park.


iTunes troubleshooting first action is always to reinstall iTunes. I have ethernet and WiFi and it pratts me about from day to day. You don't reinstall Windows OS on a daily basis to fix a glitch.


Today it works, tomorrow it only works one way from pc to the telly but will not command from Apple TV back to pc - a total nightmare of an application.


I know its not the network as I can always Airplay from iPad to Apple TV no problem.


Grumpy Bear..

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 Drifting further off topic - sorry...

...Have you ordered you Watch...

Just had a look at You Watch - Series John - good choice of stuff and gratuite , mais il fait en Francais. Pas de comprene en tout.

Also as they seem to be only the last full series I may have to stick to downloading latest new series episodes torrent via Torch as the fun-police don't mind here. e.g. Supernatural S11 Ep 2 (not something I watch) is on tonight and I will dropbox it to my daughter in the morning.



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I stand by my comment of 'daft'

Having spent the last 30 years around or managing IT departments I learnt very early that the 'amateur' user should always leave any update from Microsoft alone for at least 6 months, leaving the professionals to find and 'cure' any bugs.

As John said, all New PC's are now being sold with Windows 10 so there will be plenty of people around wondering why their fave program doesnt work while there will likely be just as many happy with the way things are going.

You no doubt have your reasons for upgrading straight away, I have every reason to leave well enough alone... the last thing I want is to turn up at an exhibition with a system that didnt work!

My W7/1.62 RM/Elink setup works flawlessly so I have every reason NOT to upgrade, either to the latest RM version or the latest Microsoft offering.

No offence taken with your comments BTW, I've been insulted by professionals, you don't come close :-)



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You could discuss one or two of the features of each though under the rules of engagement, like eLink has no knobs or user interface unlike the Elite, NCE xyz, Lenz 123 starter kit, etc which you may consider essential at the price, blah, blah..

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N.B. Just been told I'm not logged in......it was about 15 mins from starting my post to pressing reply.


Interesting comments......I have RM on a laptop, have tried it and now don't use it......having driven AutoCad with a mouse for the last 15 yrs of my working life I really don't want to drive my model railway with a mouse whilst looking at the monitor.  ....No, for me, the Elite controller with it's 2 throttles is much more user friendly, the interaction you have with a loco while you turn the knob to control it's motion I find more satisfying.  I started with the Hornby Digital Mixed Freight set with Select controller, an excellent introduction into DCC.  After 6 months I purchased the Elite and progressed from there. My shed now holds 27 digital locos inc 9 with sound. HB.

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I appreciate your work over the years around computers and your insight. I too have been involved with management of computers re networking and servers etc. I started all my bit around the time of the old Spectrums (yes, the rubber key variety!!) and progressed very quickly from there and now run my business with this stuff as well as web design.

Those not in the know re OS's will no doubt, as you say, make mistakes... but those mistakes are worth making as MS and the likes would not listen otherwise to techies moaning... those who think they know best. Most of these listen to Joe Bloggs who would do nothing but whine at them all day long if they could.

Anyway, each to their own and as long as the term 'daft' was not literall that's fine :-)

I only upgraded to stay in the loop and NOT to have a 'fix' for having Win10... plus on one laptop I chose to see if I could at least figure out what was wrong with the W10 situation and RM/eLink... which I did. As far as that goes W10 is not being installed on my client based PC's within my SBS setup at home and for the business. I do though stay in the loop so if I am asked to install it elsewhere I know what I am doing with it... although it's a piece of cake anyway.

So fair comment all round then.

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