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Train Tech SC1 Signal control module

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This TrainTech web page states that the SC1 is compatible with Hornby Select / Elite. It is a DCC Address learning decoder. This means it does not have to be specifically listed in RM decoder options. You put SC1 in learning mode, and use the controller to issue the address you want in the controller 'Accessory' mode of operation. Since compatibility with Elite is stated on the TT SC1 Product page. Then it logically follows that in RM, you select the R8247 decoder option when doing this from within RM.


On line user manual is here.


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Chris, not sure you have to specify any accessory decoder type in RM for a learn mode decoder?  Just do what you say about putting it in learn mode, switching the signal you want it to control, switch back to run and surely it's done?


However, there is extensive coverage of TrainTech signals in the RM forum with Ray and PJ swapping notes and PJ detailing the current faults with signals changing in block control arrangements.  Just look for the threads with TrainTech in the title, I think now on page 2 of the forum.


And this thread should of course be moved to the RM forum, something I would expect Adam to do as a matter of routine when he gets in Monday morning, along with another 1 or 2 RM threads which have crept into General over the weekend.

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Fishy, a misunderstanding on your part. And in hindsight, a badly worded post on my part. What I meant, was that when placing a 'signal' on the track layout in 'design mode' then in the absence of a specific SC1 decoder being in the pull down list, then probably choosing the R8247 would be the best choice on the basis that TT state that the SC1 is compatible with Select / Elite. This being just so that one can get a signal placed and configuration accepted on the plan in 'design' mode. This would not be too dissimilar to the approach taken for some 'learning' point decoders that have been the topic of debate before.


This of course, gets a bit more debateable as the integrated TrainTech signal decoders are supported in some form within RM as well. I suppose it depends how close the external TT SC1 decoder design is to the integrated TT ones. It might be possible that choosing one of those integrated decoders in 'design mode' would work equally well. Experimentation probably needed to confirm.


However, I did clearly state that the setting up configuration of the SC1 decoder was a 'learning mode' process, thus needing a decoder type to be specified as part of the configuration activity was not necessary.

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Baz, can you be a bit more specific about your issue.


Is it:


1) I have purchased a SC1 decoder and am having problems configuring and using it as a new layout addition. As it is not listed in RM Accessory Decoder set-up (but I believe it was listed there in previous RM versions).


Or is it:


2) I have bought a SC1 decoder and I have found the SC1 decoder is not listed in RM as part of my signal configuration options in RM 'Track Design Mode'. But I believe it was listed in a previous RM version.


If 1) above, then it doesn't matter - see previous reply about SC1 being a 'Learning Mode' decoder.


Or is your question, actually something completely different?

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Baz, can you be a bit more specific about your issue.


Is it:


1) I have purchased a SC1 decoder and am having problems configuring and using it as a new layout addition. As it is not listed in RM Accessory Decoder set-up (but I believe it was listed there in previous RM versions).


Or is it:


2) I have bought a SC1 decoder and I have found the SC1 decoder is not listed in RM as part of my signal configuration options in RM 'Track Design Mode'. But I believe it was listed in a previous RM version.


If 1) above, then it doesn't matter - see previous reply about SC1 being a 'Learning Mode' decoder.


Or is your question, actually something completely different?


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Baz, as I see it. You need to program the SC1 using the 'Learning Mode' process. But as you have eLink and not Elite (no knobs and buttons on eLink), then you have to put your signal on your track design first and assign a decoder to it. If the SC1 is not listed in the pull down decoder selection window then choose (if it is listed) the Hornby R8247.


Assuming that you get to the stage where you have your signal configured (using R8247 option?) in track design. Save the design and open RM normally. You should then see your signal showing on your track plan.


With the SC1 connected to the track DCC output (NOT the programming output), put the SC1 into 'Address Learning Mode' then operate the signal by clicking the appropriate signal icon you have just configured on your RM track plan. This should then program your SC1 with the DCC Address.


What I have written here is just an overview of the process. More detail about SC1 'Learning Mode' is detailed in the SC1 user guide.


PS - You will notice that the above makes NO mention of using the RM Accessory Decoder set-up feature within RM. Learning Mode decoders do NOT need configuring via that process.


PPS - If using the R8247 pull down option doesn't work, then try assigning an alternative TrainTech decoder from the list that you think might be a near equivalent to the unlisted SC1 (one that supports 2 Aspect signals as per the SC1).


EDIT: Final thought. TrainTech brand signal decoders are only listed in the Pro-Pack version of RM.

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I have 4 traintech signals on my exhibition layout. All ds1 decoder fitted.

installation with elink/rm is so simple it's unbelievable!

Connect to the dcc buzzbar, place the signal on your layout diagram in RM. connect the learning point woth a bit of wire, change the signal on the track plan and go make a cup,of tea 'cos the job is done!

 no worrying about being compatible with r8247? Whatever that is...

and traintech signals work quite happily without the propack chrissaf...

It took me about 2 minutes to program all 4 of my signals - it took longer to add them to the route programs!



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traintech signals work quite happily without the propack chrissaf...


As long as they are only 2 Aspect Signals like the SC1. Multi-Aspect TrainTech signals (3 Aspects or more) require ProPack (as stated on page 79 of the RM 1.62 manual).

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A correction to my earlier post on the previous page (as prompted to me by previous Tony Forward comment).


In the previous post I wrote:


"Baz, as I see it. You need to program the SC1 using the 'Learning Mode' process. But as you have eLink and not Elite (no knobs and buttons on eLink), then you have to put your signal on your track design first and assign a decoder to it. If the SC1 is not listed in the pull down decoder selection window then choose (if it is listed) the Hornby R8247.


Assuming that you get to the stage where you have your signal configured (using R8247 option?) in track design. Save the design and open RM normally. You should then see your signal showing on your track plan................."


This should read (changes to previous text shown in bold):


"Baz, as I see it. You need to program the SC1 using the 'Learning Mode' process. But as you have eLink and not Elite (no knobs and buttons on eLink), then you have to put your signal on your track design first and assign a decoder port to it. The decoder port number is the same as the DCC Address that you want to use to control the signal. It would appear from the RM manual [page 80 version 1.62 manual] that you do not need to specify a decoder type or model just the port (Address) number.


Assuming that you get to the stage where you have your signal configured in track design. Save the design and open RM normally. You should then see your signal showing on your track plan..............."


The rest of the previous post reads as written except the PPS in the previous post should also be deleted, and the "EDIT: final thought" should mention that the statement applies only to multi-aspect signals from TrainTech.


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Chris, I think there is still some confusion here.  As I said to you yesterday and Tony has confirmed in his post, all you need to do is put the signal on your track plan in track design and assign a signal number to it, then get out of track design after saving.  The setting of a decoder port is not done there, rather entirely by the learn mode process.  Connect the decoder to track/track bus, put it in learn mode and click on the signal to change it.  The decoder port, with same number as the signal, is now assigned to it as tony says. If it is a 3 or 4 aspect signal, then a second decoder port, one above the signal number, will also be assigned.  But then you need ProPack to be able to put a 3 or 4 aspect signal on your layout in the first place.


This is the beauty and simplicity of learn mode programming accessory decoders.  They don't require any setting up as any sort of decoder in RM at all.  You simply put the device you want them to operate on your track plan, connect the decoder to track, put it in learn mode, operate the device by clicking on it, return the decoder to run mode and it's done, again just as Tony says.  


Why anyone would use a non-learn mode accessory decoder these days is beyond me.  Unfortunately, this applies particularly to the 8247 with its penchant for forgetting the port numbers assigned to it after any electrical disturbance on the layout, and the subsequent need to disconnect it from track and connect to programming track to reprogram it.  It seems to me that Hornby lost a big opportunity in the 12 plus months this decoder was off the market due to unreliability, to not include learn mode programming in it when they fixed that unreliability and restocked.


Geo, assuming you can buy N gauge DCC light signals, this should work equally well for you.

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Fishy, may I suggest you have a look at page 80/81 of the 1.62 RM manual. What I wrote in my last post is based entirely on what I read there. The assignment of the signal number both you and Tony mention is the decoder port (address) number according to what I read, or more accurately by looking closely at the graphic reproduction of the pop up configuration window that is shown on manual page 80 in conjunction with the definition of what a decoder port is written on page 81.


In my revised last post I never intimated (I didn't mean to intimate it if it came over that way) that selecting a port number in the signal configuration window was anything more than for the benefit of getting the signal placed on the track plan and telling the signal what port (address) to use when it is clicked.


I have consistently described that the actual configuration of the signal decoder was through the learning decoder process.


You may not have read it that way, but my last revised post is not contradictory to anything you have said. If it came over as being contradictory, then that was not intended.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I have just purchased my first TrainTech 4 aspect outer distant, yes they are easy to get up and running but, the colour order seems out eg., Red, Amber, Double amber, Green, Mine goes red, green, amber, double amber then back to red, any ideas.


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