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Tale of Woe Getting Pro...


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Having decided that RM Am-PAck was working far to well on Win 8.1, I thought I would go for the Pro-Pack upgrade.


Simple enough just press the Up-Arrow in the Help box, follow the instructions and ... and...

... I got a message saying my card verification failed, and I should check the internet, check I had done it all correctly, etc, etc and leaving the application form up on screen to tempt me to try again. I had done it right and the internet was working fine.


Remembering that someone else on the RM Forum had seen the same card rejection thing, but did receive his code I resisted the urge to spend my money again and instead contacted HRMS through the Help facility.


Before HRMS could reply to my query an email arrived saying the transaction had gone through OK, then another email arrived with the code. So why that should happen I have no idea.


Knowing that it is impossible for a human to type the great long alpha-numeric code in I copied it from the email and pasted it into the slot in the Settings - Loco Detection tab area, pressed the KEY icon and waited and waited and waited...


...Up pops a box saying the code failed and to check the internet, the number, etc, etc. I knew I had done it right so I didn't recheck anything and I knew the card worked fine as I had booked some coach seats with it yesterday.


I closed RM and restarted it hoping that all would be well but no, I had to paste the number in again, press the KEY icon and wait and wait, but this time it said activation was successfull and to restart RM for it take effect, which I did. RM now starts up with a Pro-Pack splash screen.


No code is showing in the Loco Detection tab area, but both RM and Pro codes showing on the Help screen.


All appears to be well so far, but when I start voice control I am told I need Speech SDK 5.1 and to download it from Powerpos, etc. Odd that, as I am using speech 5.1 already for dictation into documents. Regardless I go through the motions and reload it, restart RM and all seems well. Everthing I try works well including the ability to open more than one large throttle at a time.


In summary - a poor upgrade experience, which could have cost me a fortune blindly resubmitting the purchase form, then the code rejection scenario should never have happened, nor should the you need speech thing. But as it all works I'm happy enough.


Always up for a challenge, so lets see if upgrading to Win 10 can muck it up again...

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Just to clarify a few things regarding this:-

1.  You would not have been charged twice for submitting two orders.  RailMaster warns you if an order has been submitted and our systems here are smart enough to realise you have already placed an order recently and have the Pro-Pack so will not take another payment.

2. It is most likely that RailMaster is being interfered with, even in a small way, by something on your computer, most likely your antivirus or firewall software.  This can cause RailMaster to believe an order hasn't been submitted when it hasn't although this is very rare.  Double-check to ensure that RailMaster has definitely been added as a full exception on all incoming and outgoing ports for both your antivirus and firewall software.

3. The Speech engine on Windows is not complete and allows basic commands and dictation and some other software provides varying facilities for spech control or dictation.  RailMaster requires particular facilities of the MS Speech Engine to make Voice Control as reliable as possible therefore you are required to download the full MS speech engine, which takes only a few minutes to download and install.


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In response to hrms

1. That's good to know.


2. I am savvy of firewalls and AV and I have everything set for full transparency by rm.


3. Noted but still odd why ms doesn't load it all by default.


thanks for the explanation though.


@rog you only get one bite at life and I have very few teeth left.

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When  my card was rejected I emailed HRMS and they very quickly informed me the purchase had been processed.


When pasting failed I had my good lady read out the code as I manually entered it.


Don't talk to my trains yet. Well I talk to anything and everything probably too often but don't expect any thing to do as I ask or demand yet. If it does it's a bonus. Recent example, "You (R3075 body after fitting decoder) should just slide back on darn you! ... mutter, mutter, mutter ... Oh now you go on!!!!" :)

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Ha-ha RAF. You are a brave soul. Have you heard of Murphy's law? Please let us know how you get on. R-


I'm kind of stuffed Rog - (see below). I suppose its Muffrey's Law kicking in as a warning.

My trains pc is a Greek market HP tower, which according to the update system, hasn't been tested yet to prove it works with Win 10, so they have put me on hold pending results of said testing, which could be anytime soon or not as is the norm out here.

I suppose I could download the update anyhow and give it a whirl, but if if fails then I have no pc to play trains on so I guess discretion overcomes valour and I wait a tad longer.


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RAF96, you should know by now that those of us living in foreign parts, have to put up with being behind the times. Me, No to Propack, no to windows 10, no to latest 1.62 cog thing. Result, all runs beautifully, on a french ACer, with windows, in a funny language. Why do you need to talk to your trains, officially. I do it now, for free. Before you go too far down your road, there is a massive windows 10 update due in november, which could, / is likely to bring fresh snags. I would hold off, if i were you, at the moment. john

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I'm kind of stuffed Rog - (see below). I suppose its Muffrey's Law kicking in as a warning.

My trains pc is a Greek market HP tower, which according to the update system, hasn't been tested yet to prove it works with Win 10, so they have put me on hold pending results of said testing, which could be anytime soon or not as is the norm out here.

I suppose I could download the update anyhow and give it a whirl, but if if fails then I have no pc to play trains on so I guess discretion overcomes valour and I wait a tad longer.


Sounds like a sensible plan Rob. I downloaded the W10 update and was surprised that it worked (after a few tweaks anyway) flawlessly. If that is your only link for family e-mails as well then, like John, perhaps best leave it for a while. I look forward to the next installment when you think the time is right though. R-

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@rog and John

I agree John, that if all is well, then leave well alone, but I am of the unfortunate soul who needs to fiddle with things. I just cannot leave well alone. When I was a little kid I knew I was going to be an engineer when I had more dismantled toys than working ones. Nowadays the broken/fettled ratio is a little better.

Rog I am well equipped to stay in contact with the other world in having 2 x desktop pcs (lounge and trains), 2 x laptops (1 here and 1 in UK, both XP for Elite update purposes usually), 2 x iPads, which follow us about on our travels and one of those smarti-phones for SWMBO (too clever for me to use) as well as a good solid internet connection here on the island that lets me download any TV series or film, and a Mi-Fi thingy in UK for when I am there.


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Not having upgraded to the Pro Pack yet I cannot say I have experienced this issue owithin RM and its ordering system.


However, I would like to ask if the card verification was about to be done by the now infamous "Visa Card Verification" routine? Lately I have had a good few occasions where this verification has failed and gives the impression the payment has failed also and then throws one back to the ordering window or a new window... leaving one perplexed as to whether or not the payment has succeeded. Upon enquiring each time to each of the companies I deal with for web domain registrations etc. I do find that ALL transactions have succeeded.


So, if it WAS the verification scheme that blew this payment into the ether (or gave that impression at least) then now you may know why.

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