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Address code problems


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Got a very strange issue here, hopefully someone can offer some help.

For my main layout, I use an Elite controller. I started off with Railmaster/eLink but had problems with it, probably a laptop issue; but have kept the eLink for my separate programming track, setting up ID address codes, and testing of new locos etc. That's been working well, and I prefer the Elite to run the trains as it's easier to use and quicker to start up.

Had an issue with couple of locos on the main track not working. Tried them on test track (eLink and desktop), and worked good, with address code as 4. But on the main track no luck - depsite all the other trains working perfectly. Lights would go on/off but no movement or even sounds of movement.

Tried substituting the connection wire, and the connection tracks with the ones used on the test track, still no luck. Although as other trains and lights worked, didn't really think there was a connection issue - but always think it wise to check even the things that look OK.

Tried using the Elite controller with the test track, still not working.

Not sure why, but decided to reprogram a different address (used high number 61, to ensure well above my other codes.). Now it's worked with Elite, on the test track. Took them up to the main track, and works, with address 61.

Just to see what would happen, changed it back to 4, it stopped working again (main and test tracks). So back to 61 and all working fine again.

To me, this is a mystery...



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Maybe a long shot, but when Elite starts up does it briefly display 'Classic' or 'Standard' in the LCD. It should be 'Standard'. If showing 'Classic' it can be changed to 'Standard'. See Elite 1.41 manual page 67.


Another long shot, have you tried performing a factory reset to the Elite (see page 68). Note: if you do a 'reset' you will need to check Elite still in 'Standard' mode as above.

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Hi Chris

Yes, it is showing as "Standard", and software version 1.4.1.

I suppose there's no harm really in doing a reset on the Elite, just in case there's something not quite right there. Don't think there are any particular settings on the Elite that would be lost.





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If you can update the elite to v1.42 as well as trying a unit reset That may help

also if you have a meter check there is a standing ac voltage across the elite track terminals.

all you lose with a reset is any favourites.

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Well documented that firmware updates only work on machines up to Windows 7 and not reliably beyond.


Just on all of that stuff about modes, resets, firmware updates etc, it hasn't been reported here for some time but there are other instances on here were decoders have failed to work on particular addresses and work fine on another.  No idea why, a mystery.  You found how to fix it Mark, so now it ain't broke, enjoy. 

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Thanks Fishmanoz, I was originally trying to update on my main Windows 7 machine, without luck. But once I switched on the XP machine, first time for months, what folder do I see on my desktop.... the Elite 1.41 update files. So I thought, I must have been here before for same purpose, I wouldn't have used my XP machine unless I had to.

Yes I can work around the dodgy addresses, might even use this as opportunity to re-sort the address in a more logical order, especially now that the loco names have been cleared (the only thing I lost on the reset).

But anyway, now fixed.


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