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im going to stay with windows 8.1 an till elink can work right with windows 10 the windows 10 free upgrade still there so its better to wait till things are fix but the team and abl to play with my trains till then thank you all trying to help me but as thay say if its not broken dont fix it ( and till 1.63 is out to fix any bugs in the communicate with the dcc conttroller usb i wait

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Mr C, I'm interested to know what hasn't worked for you.  You now have multiple copies of advice from me and HRMS in your "help" thread and the "Not connecting to Elite" thread.  The advice is exactly the same on each occasion and HRMS has advised that this is all you have to do to get it going and they have no cases of it not working.


So what did you have a problem with - downloading the latest, setting the comm port to 4 or below, ensuring Device Manager matches RM Setup, or adding the 2 lines to the ini file?  There is nothing else.  And given it doesn't appear to have worked for you, did you then email HRMS as I suggested?


And given it works already, you cannot expect any change to this aspect when v1.63 is released.  You will still have to do all of the  things mentioned above and detailed in the other threads, including the 2 lines in the ini file.


We would appreciate a reply with some detail from you on this as it will help us to give better advice to future users facing this problem.

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Here here Fishy. It is always nice to know what was done to rectify a fault, I always ensure to the letter so far as I can recall just in case another poor soul wants to try the same and get lucky with it. Hence my conclusion in the thread that I could not use RM without live connection, all explained, all fixed and working, and now when you read the thread you will also know. Thanks.

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