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Rm 1.62 update

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Hi all from Australia,

just updated to 1.62 under windows 7 and it appears to have fixed a number of issues related to getting the system to run in the first place, wothout having to go through switching off laptop powering down the elink and waiting again for the system to recognize the elink and work.  Also the change in driving the turnouts only 1 time fixed many of the problems related to the turnout controllers charging in sufficient time before the next turnout was actuated.

However, what now occurs is when there is a short of any sort, the whole thing cuts out and losses the interface between the laptop and the elink controller, unlike version 1.61 which at least gave me some information on the screen about a short in the system.  In order to get it running again I go though disconnecting the elink powering it down waiting 10 seconds or so and then starting all over again. This works of course until the next short !

I just wish Hornby when releasing an update would at least send some sort of note Bout what the release does over its previous version.  trolling through the RM notes trying to find what has been fixed (or in some cases stuffed up) is not only time wasting but concludes that the software developers are trying to hide there mistakes.

They seem to have taken a leaf out of Microsoft by releasing software that in beta in its version letting us poor users find the problems.

i just wonder if they realy do care about their customers !

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Hi Stuart, you're up early?  And have you been on walkabout recently?  There has been long running discussion on the short circuit problem.


Anyway, go to the Not connecting to Elite thread, page 2 and follow the post from HRMS and your problem should be fixed.  If not, email them from within the Help window of RM.  Yes, I do realise you have eLink not Elite, but same solution applies.


Not sure why you think HRMS are hiding things either?  Just as many programs do, the changes in the latest release are documented in the Release Notes txt file.  You'll see that this release was primarily to fix the Windows 10 USB driver bug but a few other improvements as you mention.  They also often explain further on the forums.  But given the program is subject to significant ongoing development, they often have to make judgement calls on when to release new versions, balancing program stability and bug-free operation against users clammering to have problems solved.  In fact, with 1.62, they released earlier revisions to specific users to test the solution before it was released generally.

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Well, I don't know. That doesn't seem to be quite the same problem that I was seeing with the Elite. I thought, wrongly perhaps, that the problem related only to the Elite. I downloaded yet another revision of 1.62 which I think is the latest one, but I'm not sure because HRMS seems to have lost control of the rev numbering system. This new rev isn't a fix for the bug here - now not only do I not see the short circuit pop-up, but there is now no feedback from the Elite at all - no throttle settings nor Functions in any window. I suppose that might be seen as an improvement: at least it's consistent now. I'm going to see if there's an even more up to date version. If there isn't, I'll report what I'm seeing to HRMS direct.



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