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Billy 0-4-0 DCC conversion problems


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If anyone could help me I would be most grateful.

I recently purchased the Midland star analogue set as my first ever train set and was very happy with it indeed, so much so that within a month I had purchased all the track packs and DCC elite

controller and decoders and turned this into my full time hobby.
The other day I downloaded the instructions from the Hornby website on how to convert the billy loco from the set into a DCC loco.
Everything went well and everything is wired up correctly,

The only problem I have is when trying to control the loco on the track, it seems to only work if I give it a push start, when I slow the loco down to a stop and try to get it going again I have to push it once again.
I would be grateful of any help that

anyone can offer as to where I am going wrong with this.

Cheers guys
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This sounds like a poor electrical connection. I have a similar problem with the Hornby basic 0-4-0 model (in my case the 2020 collectors' club model). It has trouble starting and does not run smoothly. Yo must make sur all of the wheels are spotlessy

clean and the the brushes hav a good clean contact to the backs of the wheels. Because of the limited number of electrical contats the 0-4-0s are susceptable to this sort of problem.
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