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Defeated by Windows interfering with RM Voice Control...


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My first real go at Voice Control using in turn a) BT headset/mic, b) webcam mic, c) stand alone microphone to try to overcome the following problem. It has been a complete failure so far.


I have each loco setup with a voice comand wordset.


Windows Speech Recognition (SR) is started when the PC boots up and this is a requirement according to HRMS, else RM Voice Control (VC) will not work. A small console sits at the top of the screen and echos what is being said (well what it thinks is being said).


I start RM VC using the microphone icon and the nice lady confirms it has started and is ready to go. A box pops up telling the same story.


What I say to RM is not being echoed at screen top as they are not Windows commands and 7 out 10 requests are wrongly translated by RM VC. What appears at the top of the screen in the Windows console is for example ... 'What was that ... Page Up ... Scrolling ... and other commands from the Windows accepted list.


RM VC echoes what it thought I said in the top half of the pop-up window and the actual command it gives to the track is shown in the bottom half of the window.


Most commands are badly interpreted and often  the manual button press will not countermand a bad instruction. I am at a loss as to how to stop Windows interfereing with RM, when it has to be there for RM VC to work.


No commands to operate points are passed.


I report the problem to HRMS in the usual way and Windows SR even then keeps interpreting keyboard noise as commands and inserts random text into my report, such as ...click, clack, click, clack, page up, scrolling, etc - really annoying.


Has anyone seen this before and/or knows how to get round Windows SR sticking its nose in.


How do I get points to change - is there a similar setup box as for locos.





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It's been sometime now since I set my voice control up RAF but I seem to remember there was quite a "voice training" thing to go through. Once you've done that there will be some commands that make it and some that dont, but the more you use it the better it gets. Mine is now so "highly honed" that I can mostly get away with using the laptop mic instead of the headset one. However, there are one to two things that go awry, and always at critical moments - that I think is sod's law at play. As far as I recall the training lessons are automatic when you ask Windows to open Speach Recognition. R-

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I've not used VC with RM and probably never will... however, there are one two things you should know about using voice or speach commands on any version of Windows.


You may already be aware of these but if not here goes...


First off you should train the PC and Windows own Speech Rcognition software to learn about your voice and its accent if any. Windows is not a one program fits all piece of software. It can take some getting used to and can be annoying most of the time. Plenty practice will make it almost perfect.


Secondly, and more importantly, the sound levels you train the software at is critical. What you DON'T want is background noise being picked up by any mic and translated, so the software thinks, as actual commands or speach. You need to have the needles a little less on the target than you think for volume. As you set up the software first time you are given a sentence or two to speak into your mic for optimisation... while this is good it is not that good. Fiddle about until you get less of the click-clack you talk about as this is quite likely to be background noise... even in a silent room. Once the levels are sorted with the software THEN use RM for voice control.


This has brought back some frustrating memories of having to use this a few years ago when I built a system for someone who couldn't type and we eventually got there.

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I've tried win sr  before AC as an experiment at dictation and that got to be pretty good so I presumed rm (advertised as just use a normal voice and say what you want it to do) had improved on that, but it seems the vocabulary set in win Sr Hasn't a clue about any rm vr vocabulary yet and response is really bad when the locos are making a racket, hence trying different mics.


the really annoying thing was win sr helping me type my report to HRMS and making a real mess of it. I suppose it thought I was dictating.


more training then.


ipad predictive text is also a pest even though I have switched it off it still makes upper and lower case changes and suggests words that it places if you just type on Regardless.

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RAF, if you here a screech of brakes, beware, it will be the men in white coats, coming to take you away. I really connot understand the need for voice control, on a small layout. Garden one, or Garage, possibly. It would be interesting to know, how many people on here, have persevered, and how many, have consigned it to the bottom drawer, with their select john

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A screech of brakes here John means normal driving is taking place, usually with a smoke in one hand, a phone in the other hand, whilst pulling a U turn at the traffic lights with their third hand.


white coat sensor installed on front gate enabling me to hop over the back fence if required.

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 Hi RAF  Sorry you are having problems as it really is impressive when working.  I have a very high success rate with the voice commands.  Occasionally it may not get it right but that I think is par for any voice recognition of this level.    The guidance given by RMS and others above about the importance of doing the tutorial to get your voice recognised is essential.  Equally you need to do that training with your trains etc running so that you are speaking with the normal type of background noise.   My only real problem is at start up when for some reason you get the command to the train and it responds but then other commands do not until you actually manually control using Elite in my case and it seems to free up the commands and suddenly all starts to work and little problem thereafter.  Excellent for points and signals.   Well worth the effort.   I combine with manual use as well using an Elite and or Select particulary if just doing some short distance work like in sidings when control is better.  Good luck.        ( I have windows 10 and no problems there either apart from elite icon stays greyed out even when connected)

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Raf, good morning. I notice only one person has admitted to using this since i last posted. I think you need your Railway station announcers voice. I remember the lady at Victoria, clear as a a bell, The train standing at platform 4, etc. john

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