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Hornby Select Fault


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Good afternoon oh-so-helpful-forum-types...

OK - so kids are back at school... I have come to tinker with the trains in peace...

I've done as suggested & tried the decoder-fitted locos on the DC track... the Bachmann one seems to work, but goes the same direction around the track irrespective of the polarity supplied to the rails (direction toggle on the controller)

(Bachmann 21 pin decoder, labelled "SoundTraxx MC10421P" fitted to a Bachmann 21 pin loco)

Is this likely to indicate that that decoder is fried, or just that it's not great at running on a DC track?

I'm tempted to suspect the latter, as if it were fried, then probably NOTHING would happen, as PIC, rectifier diodes or similar would be open cct in a "terminally dead" kind of way...

I have a couple of non-hornby decoders kicking about... if they do work, then I'm maybe better off cutting my losses & getting a NMRA compliant controller... otherwise I'm going to have to buy a bunch more hornby Decoders that SHOULD work with the Select... a not inconsiderable investment...

thanks again for all of your help


A few years ago when I had a select they said that the select and Bachmann decoders weren't compatable ,I had a couple of dcc fitted Bachmann that run ok with the select ,all my other locos had the Hornby r8249 decoder in as more or less all my locos were Hornby ,

Regarding a NMRA controller ,shop around to see what is available ,you can get better for cheaper ,members on the Hornby forum don't like to mention any other makes as its against the rules but I after having a select and elite   now use a NCE powercab and it does everything ,for cheaper ,,,,,,

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I now have a Select v1.5 rigged as a Walkabout so I can try this short circuit test myself versus my up to date Elite.


Introduce a track short and both select and elite show an error and the locos stop.


Recovery can be made at either controller and in either case both controllers screens recover and locos resume.


So it seems John's original observation can be fixed by updating to v1.5.


RM isn't flagging the short so my .ini file is obviously not set up properly. I will recheck the short problem once i get RM to flag the short.

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I was using 5 Select slaves with my Elite as I do not like the controll nobs on the Elite too vague and when using the second nob the train is liable to go into reverse. The advantage of the Elite was the function capability on sound locos. As using function on select other than to turn lights on and off was difficult.

I recently purchased the western bell Dcc train set in order to get another select. I have discoverd it is version 1.5 which has the improved function set up where you put the number in then push the function button works a treat. So I now use this Select as Master and the other five as slaves works perfectly. The Elite I will use for programming and to interface rail master using a two way switch to avoid power problems.

The two digit numbers are not a problem only 50 chipped trains so far and points operated by manual switches. Also 4 amp power supplies. Decoder no on sticker on train roof simple!

I might get one more Select upgraded by Hornby or just buy another new one as some of the existing ones are abit worn depends on the cost of the upgrade!

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Last time published, the upgrade was £15 plus the cost of shipping to get the Select to Hornby.


Hornby paying for the return shipping (out of the £15 presumably).

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