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RM 1.63 update

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At 3.30 this morning while downloading this update I had the pleasure of hearing some loco horns going off in the distance (about 1.5 miles away and track is elevated above a major road so the sound travels) I offered myself a wry smile... nice coincidence! :-)


Anyway, I can confirm this update is automatically installing as it should and works fine... no problems. I have included the release notes for this MINOR update and for the 1.62 version as well just in case some of you wanted to see it... yes I know these are downloaded too but some folk don't think of looking for them!


For those who have had signal issues... Here goes:


Hornby RailMaster 1.63 Release Notes - October 2015


The latest release of RailMaster is a maintenance release.  This update continues to make RailMaster more robust and reliable.

+Minor enhancements and bug fixes - principally relating to DCC communications & signals

+Added RailMaster.ini file option "Elite feedback=1" for Hornby Elite users to feedback throttle to RailMaster


Hornby RailMaster 1.62 Release Notes - September 2015


The latest release of RailMaster is a maintenance release.  This update continues to make RailMaster more robust and reliable.

+Minor enhancements and bug fixes - a couple outstanding to be resolved for the next update

+Problem with Windows 10 upgrade/Microsoft serial port driver resolved

+Faster loco CV reading and writing

+Loco decoders added: Gaugemaster, ZIMO, Lenz, Train$ave, SoundTraxx, MyLocoSound, LaisDCC

+Added Littfinski accessory decoders

+Pro-Pack unlock code now shown on About screen with main RailMaster and hand-held keys

+Improvements made to Repeat .. End Repeat program command accuracy

+Current as well as registered email address on key reset request form in case they are different

+Movement/resizing cursor added to button bar to avoid miss-hitting buttons

+When "All" locos selected from groups, group name shown on loco name (tooltip)

+Added Railmaster.ini command "Double pulse=0" to send single pulses to point motors

+Printing CVs list only prints those with read values

+Improved RailMaster networking (PCs)

+Allows right-click on mark all button to un-mark program lines for testing

+Checks for time missing on program lines when saving and warns user

+Program screen auto-scrolls when moving line up/down beyond top/bottom

+You can now select a block of program lines to mark/un-mark for test running in program editing

+Added & profiled locos: R1169 Tornado, R3169 Olton Hall, R3170 Adderley Hall, R3287 Class 47 TTS

+Added passing loop track plan sample for Pro-Pack users

+Tested on several hardware platforms with Windows 10

+You can now edit the RailMaster.ini file within RailMaster in the About screen (cog icon)

+Guides in all languages updated for version 1.62

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LaisDCC - discussion on other forum has these flagged as Chinese TCS decoder knockoffs, but they are cheap on alibaba and the supplier is reliable, that's where I got my 8 pin decoder sockets from.


Lets hope RM has now reached a point where it works well with Win 10 and the connection issues are resolved for everyone And they can enjoy the product rather than curse it.


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v1.63 loaded automatically no problems.


No feedback seen from Elite to RM throttle so ini file checked and new line had to be inserted as above. The way the release notes were written I expected the line to in there by default and set to =0.


Throttle movement and direction is now echoed from the Elite onto RM small and large throttles (I only tried it as RM primary large throttle not as secondary - some people had reported problems with secondary throttles but I couldnt remember what), but no echoeing the other way RM to Elite, so you can end up with a loco going at a different speed and direction in RM to what Elite is indicating. This may be a limitation of the Elite, only talking but not not listening, unless there is some other setting that can be made.


Inducing a track short trips the Elite out, but no pop-up appears on RM. Only way out is to ESC the Elite. Again this seems to be an Elite limitation previously discussed by HRMS on the forum.


Apart from that as far as I have gone with v1.63 it seems OK.


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Hornby RailMaster 1.63 Release Notes - October 2015


The latest release of RailMaster is a maintenance release.  This update continues to make RailMaster more robust and reliable.

+Minor enhancements and bug fixes - principally relating to DCC communications & signals

+Added RailMaster.ini file option "Elite feedback=1" for Hornby Elite users to feedback throttle to RailMaster


So far so good with this download, HRMS will be happy so far.


Later today, I will download the update, to try and test signals. 


I am surprised however that a 'minor enhancement and bug fix' is a new version but who cares if things work. I am only expecting 'minor' improvements to signalling as there are quite a few problems, some much deeper than others, so time and testing will tell, I could be pleasantly surprised and remain hopeful.    ;o)


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I forgot that Avast prevents these auto downloads - so I have un-installed it. Can always put it back, but as I forgot all about this since the last update (Merloitis probably) I'll probably leave it off the laptop for now - unless a guru can tell me how to adjust Avast to let the updates through.


One other point to note with my small amount of use of 1.63 is that now signals change linked points  - AND - points change their linked signals. Hurrah!


Not a huge leap for mankind - but I do like it when things work. Nice one Hornby.



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Having downloaded 1.63 this morning, I specifically tested a fault controlling 4-aspect Traintech signals from within RM programs, and I’m pleased to announce that this fault has been completely eradicated.

HOWEVER, I still have a problem with Traintech 2-aspect signals, one which I reported well over a year ago. The answer from HRMS then was to reconfigure them as Hornby R8247 2-aspect signals, and this has worked fine. A couple of versions ago, I decided to reconfigure them back to Traintech 2-aspect, to see if any of the upgrades had fixed the fault, but none have, including this one.

This morning, I decided to change one signal (address 102) back to Hornby R8247 from Traintech 2-aspect to see if this still worked. Having done this in the Layout Designer, when I clicked the green tick save button, I got a message like this one in the middle of the screen:-



At this point there are two things to mention:-

1)  I have already re-addressed all of my 4-aspect signals to have large gaps between their addresses.

2)  This message specifically refers to two of my 2-aspect signals. These signals only require one address, until such time as Traintech release one with an added Route Indicator.

This message had a single button with a green tick on it so I pressed it. Lo and behold, another message of the same kind with a different pair of addresses. After another dozen or so messages to acknowledge, it finally saved my amended layout and exited from the layout designer.


Please, please, please HRMS, could RM exclude 2-aspect signals from this check, otherwise either I will have to acknowledge all of these messages each time I amend my layout diagram, or I will have to re-address some of my 2-aspect signals. Now the latter might sound simple enough, but when you consider that I have literally hundreds of RM programs which reference these addresses, then the task of changing these is far from trivial.



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... but no echoeing the other way RM to Elite ...


Presumably, this would need a Firmware change to Elite the get RM to feedback to the Elite (if indeed that is possible at all) - It would be nice though.

Like you RAF96, I would thought that the .ini file should have the Elite command set to 0, because presumably it now means we have to add it manually at each at each future RM update.  Or maybe even, when the RM software detects that Elite is connected, it could automatically set the .ini file value to 1.

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When a new version of RM is released to would appear it does not change the ini. File. I deleted the ini file and then downloaded 1.63 again. The imi. file is now the latest version.


This is the way it is supposed to work. It would be counter-productive for RM to replace the .ini file with a new "version" each time there is a new release of RM. There are entries in the .ini file which are designed to be specific to each user. Once the user has tweaked these settings e.g. Turntable speed= then he would want that setting to be retained through RM upgrades.


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Is that not what is know as 'terminate and stay resident'.

Hence if it is there it stays as is, if not it is 'replaced' with the default file load.

I remember the term "Terminate and Stay Resident" in connection with computer programs which could be written for a DOS environment, usually in Assembler language. It meant that after loading and executing it could issue a command to terminate, but instead of disappearing from memory, it would stay resident in memory. Parts of its code could then be accessed via a DOS interrupt (almost like a subroutine) from any other program, even those written in languages able to call DOS interrupt functions, such as Cobol or QuickBasic.


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As RAF reported. I had to manually add the "Elite feedback=1" line to the 1.63 release .INI file in order to regain my Elite throttle feedback function. Hate to think how many users out there will be caught out by this, that is to say users who don't know the release notes text file exists and don't visit this forum and know absolutely nothing about modifying .INI files.


The other thing I have noticed, is that up to 1.62 release, my Elite controller active icon was rock steady 'ON' (Green). With this 1.63 release, it now gives a little flash every 4 or 5 seconds or so. My .INI file Check controller line =0 so at a loss as to why this flashing icon is now happening. Anybody else noticed this?


As well as the controller icon flash, a little green box just to the right of the pull down select program box also flashes yellow in synchronisation. Anybody know what the little green box signifies? I assume it is something to do with running a program.


It looks as if HRMS have embedded a small program to run in the background to do with the controller, hence the little green box flashes too. But purely a theory on my part.


I also notice that if I run a program, the controller icon flashes stop for the duration the program is running.


I'll live with this annoying flashing icon if I have to, but hope that HRMS can improve on what ever changes they have made to the 1.63 code to eliminate it.


My concern would be that whilst the controller is being interupted to respond to a 'poll' (i.e the controller icon is briefly showing as being inactive) that a DCC control packet will get lost in transmission to the layout.

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Edit window opportunity timed out.


Just to add to above. If I hover the mouse over the controller icon in 1.63 it now reports controller 'inactive' even though it is Green. It also reports controller as inactive in 'System Settings' window next to Device Manager cog.


It looks to me HRMS as if there are now new bugs added compared to the 1.62 release this new release replaces.

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Please, please, please HRMS, could RM exclude 2-aspect signals from this check, otherwise either I will have to acknowledge all of these messages each time I amend my layout diagram, or I will have to re-address some of my 2-aspect signals. Now the latter might sound simple enough, but when you consider that I have literally hundreds of RM programs which reference these addresses, then the task of changing these is far from trivial. Ray


The update downloaded and installed a dream.


The information of what the update included is now much more professional and as it should be. 


Then I got to opening the layout design and was hit by the number of pop up messages there were regarding port addresses. Although I can see why HRMS have done this, I cannot understand, as Ray's has stated, why we need 4 or 5 ports separating 2 aspect signals. 


2 Aspect use just 1 port

3 and 4 Aspect use 2 ports

2 Aspect with feather will use 2 ports

3 or 4 aspect with feather use 3 ports


Surely, leaving 5 ports gap between each would be fine for 3 or 4 aspect signals with or without feathers, but do we really need so many ports difference for 2 aspect signals.


It will be interesting to see if the fault on the twin, dual head, 2 aspect signals, is cured. This would probably be best having 4 or 5 port gap between each head which is as I will re-program them. 


Changing so many ports will cause issues for everyone who run programs and use signals. 


I have just re-programmed all my point decoders to the AD-S8's from the old NCE single port decoders so, although I have programs that are affected by signal port changes, I certainly don't have as many as Ray, it must be a nightmare for him!


So I have decided to bite the bullet and re-program all my signals. So from a testing point of view I will have a 'totally clean slate',

> RM 1.63

> Re-programmed point decoders and

> Re-programmed Train-Tech signals. 


I will not be using port addresses divisible by 4 and will be keeping all port addresses below 255


I will provide an update in the next 24 hours (hopefully)

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Since downloading 1.63 and testing it I've found the green controller connection light is flashing to Amber quite often causing loss of control during manual operation. Running a program with a decelerate command using time steps has become impossible as directly the command is tranmitted from the program the light goes into a fast flash green/Amber and some of the decelerate steps are missed resulting in a higher end speed and hence further distance. Has anyone else found this problem?

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My ini file value for controller and the other one we are supposed to check for good comms are both 1 not 0.


Hadnt noticed the flashing square which tends to go green - yellow when stuff is happening.


Off down the island for a weeks hols tomorrow so will be out of the loop for a while. Good hunting guys.

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Since downloading 1.63 and testing it I've found the green controller connection light is flashing to Amber quite often causing loss of control during manual operation. .................. Has anyone else found this problem?


In a way....see my two earlier posts on this page. I also made a comment in my first of two posts that I thought DCC control packets could be lost.

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 Hello Everybody,

I have a problem with the update that has just downloaded onto my Railmaster software. The Railmaster cannot communicate with my e-link controller. On start up a window pops up telling me that railmaster is unable to communicate with my controller and it tells me to unplug the USB cable from my e-link, wait 5 seconds and plug back in, then press OK (the green Tick). this I have done no end of times, with no success. I have restarted my computer no end of times, I have tried changing the USB com port, I have had no luck at all with any of this. Can anyone out there please help me?. By the way I dont have a modern computer, I use a desktop that is running microsoft Vista as its operating system, up until now I have have never had a problem with Railmaster or the e-link.

Thank you all.

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Have a look at the post HRMS made in this previous topic thread regarding your very issue. Third post up from the bottom of the page. It gives detailed instructions on what to do.


Note: my Hyperlink above opens in new tab/window..


Given the issues that are now emerging regarding release 1.63 it would appear that this update is two steps forward and three steps back.

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Further to my last post above (edit opportunity timed out).


Derrick. In particular, pay attention to the instructions regarding adding lines to your .INI file.

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 Hi   Previous to this upgrade the only problem I had was the elite icon being greyed out.  voice control was 98% effective and all went well.  After upgrade I have got a lit up elite icon but sadly it has played havoc with voice control.  Voice is being recognised but commands not being executed .    When this last happened I just ran one of the trains with the Elite and it seems to sort everything out but alas not this time.  No idea what has happened but not very happy to say the least.  I have been trying to send RMS an email via RM but needless to say keep getting an ewrror 12031 please try again shortly.  No idea what that means.   One day one will be able to send a help request just like a normal email.  I will be out of power on my laptop shortly so not looking good in letting RMS know.  thanks Malcolm

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