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RM 1.63 update

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Can you or anyone else tell me whether any of the recent updates have ADDED a line to the .ini file, containing

Alternative comms=1


I have just found that line and changed it to Alternative comms=0 and lo and behold, my programs which contain acceleration/deceleration commands are now working perfectly again. I am pretty sure I didn't add that line because I thought it only affected Elink users.

Just before I made this change, I had downloaded Revision 1 of RM, but that in itself had made no difference.


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I had to add that line manually under HRMS instruction. It was not in my .INI file prior.


As I said in my posts, for me making Alternative comms=0 didn't work. My Elite / RM handshaking went into a permanent loop of connecting / disconnecting. I had to set my Alternative comms line to =1 to get it to work.

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AM, would be interested to know if this new revsion 1 update fixes your Elite controller knob feedback on your second RM throttle. I don't have Propack installed, so only have one large RM throttle, but would be interested to know the answer all the same if only for completeness of information.


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An update has been emailed to HRMS confirming tests carried out today


The tests were carried out using

  • RM 1.63
  • Train-Tech signals (every one re-programmed leaving a 4 to 5 port gap between each signal port
  • Every signal has been numbered in RM Layout Design to set when RM starts up, and the box has been ticked in the system settings to set all points (which includes signals)
  • All signals were double checked in layout design to ensure ports, in the seq - ports - settings were correct including the order of the settings direction arrow circular icons.
  • I have only used ports between 101 and 255 has there has been issues in the past above and below thee port numbers with Train-Tech signals.
  • I also ensured that no port number set was divisible by 4, another issue in the past.

Once everything was set up and ready RM was closed down and re-started.


I then set every visible signal aspect to the opposite of what is set in default in the layout design section. So all signals set to Stop in the layout design were set to Green/clear on the layout and RM. Each signal sync' at this stage on the layout and on screen in RM.


When setting the signal aspects to the opposit of Layout Design setting, I toggled through at least a full sequence rather than just repy on one click to Red I went, R,Y,YY,G,R to make sure the sequence was clean.


All this done I closed RM and restarted the program. Because the signals were set to check when RM starts every signal should change to the aspect set in the layout default. Unfortunatley they didn't all change correctly.


I noted all correct and incorrect settings in a Excel spread sheet, showing clearly the results on the layout and the results on the screen.


I then set everything up another time, exactly as before, all set to opposite the default layout request aspect. I closed down RM and restarted, noting Test-2 in the spreadsheet. Due to the results I did the same procedure a third time, exactly the same every time.


This formed a 'start up test' and provided 3 separate test results. I did not carry out any other tests (programming etc at this stage so that the report was clearly a start up issue as previously reported)


The result to all 3 tests showed that...


Every time RM started - different signals showed as incorrect, there was not a definate pattern on the 2,3 and 4 aspect Train-Tech signas to say it was this or that signal, the issues were random.


The only issue that did have a pattern to the faults were mainly the 2 aspect signals which included dual 2 aspect signals heads on one signal stand, programmable through the one signal on the layout but as two separate signals for easy use and programming on the RM layout plan.


The main of the issues showed out of sync after restarting RM for random signals where the layout was showing the rror and as before RM screen was showing correct.


But, this was not the case with the dual head 2 aspect signals where some errors showed to be on the layout and others showed the layout correct and RM showing incorrect. All this is clearly detailed on the Excel sheet sent to HRMS.


HRMS have been notified.


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Not so good here. The throttle situation is as for rev 0. In addition, the short circuit window no longer pops up when it should. Functions are still bugged. AFAIKS "Controller Check=1/0" makes no difference (although it might under the bonnet). 


On the good side "ALL STOP" seems to be reliable, but the bug seemed to be caused by the "short circuit" pop-up and reset , so that would be logical. I can now reset the Elite using ESC. Again logical.


Do we know what rev 1 was meant to fix?



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AM - I think it needs someone with ProPack to comment and share notes with. All I can say is that my standard RM version is now working fine with 1.63 rev 1. But bear in mind that I do not run DCC controlled signals or programs. Thus my idea of working fine is; can I switch a point, can I run a loco. Yes I can to both of those questions.


Good luck with getting a fully debugged solution from HRMS.


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Oh dear. How can I stop the 1.63 upgrade happening? And how extensively has Hornby tested this?!


If I recall, when RM starts and it does a 'is an update available' check. If it finds one you are asked the question 'do you want to download it?' just choose NO. Of course you will have to choose NO everytime RM starts until you are happy that HRMS have got it fully debugged.


Alternatively, you could just disable your PC LAN connection (disable Internet access) for the duration of running RM. A practicable solution only if you are using RM on a dedicated RM PC.

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I've been through the hoops a bit with this 1.63 upgrade. My RM system has been working fine for the past couple of years with the main Elite controller on COM5. After the 1.63 "upgrade" not only would it not connect to the controller (until I changed the com port to a number lower than 5 - which was inconvenient because of other devices using ports 1 - 4), but I had to reset the com ports in RM every time I started it. I've edited RM ini as per HRMS post on alternatives and checking, and the port issue seems to have stabilised, but now RM tells me that my hand held is not registered and is evaluation only. When I look in the RM help screen I can see the registration code for the hand held which matches the code on the software and when I try to re-enter the code, it tells me that the software "is already registered on this computer"!. The hand held screen sizing is changed as well, so I do have some issues.

If somebody has any ideas, I'll be pleased to hear them. Failing that I'll contact RM Support.



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This one is just getting worse. My Android Handheld just won't connect - it was doing fine up to yesterday. The iPad works OK - but I now see that the Elite throttle settings feed back to the Loco Control Area but not forward to the iPad. This is probably not new - I just hadn't checked before. I suppose the good news is that the trains do run and points do switch- even if pretty much everything else is a bit flakey. 



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HRMS, haven't checked so forgive me if you have already done it, but now that it is necessary for everyone to add 3 lines to their ini file (the 2 for v1.62 and the one for v1.63), can I suggest this be detailed in Latest News and, on opening RM after the update, there be a message to go and look there.  It might even be worth in this message reminding users to check by installing the latest revision and how to do that.


While forum users are well served by all of the correct information, the only thing I can see that non-users have is the item in the Release Notes about the third line in the ini file, nothing else, and how many of them won't even know to look there.  Consequently, many of these people will have little idea how to get their systems operating correctly.


And even seasoned forum users can be tricked by this lot, and the example I will use here is John.  Here he was running original 1.62 without problems and, because of all the setup issues with later "revisions", particularly the ini file lines, he declined to update. However, on seeing your release of 1.63, he reasoned all of those issues were now behind him and update was safe.  He had no idea he now needed 3 new lines in his ini file (even many forum users have yet to get that updates do not change an existing ini file) or that he may very soon need to update again for rev1, and keep checking for more.


Dont get me wrong here, I'm sympathetic to the sheer volume of issues you are currently dealing with and the clamour from all directions to fix them all yesterday. Under such circumstances, I think it inevitable that bugs will still be in every release you produce.  But I think you have handled such issues a little better in the past.  Recently you released a number of beta versions to particular users while you looked to solve the Windows 10 USB driver issue, and I remember the all user beta testing process when the HH version was released.  Can I suggest you engage the forum users in such a process again?  I'm sure many will be pleased to take part, even if some like John will likely not, and the brownie points from those now fully engaged with you should go a long way to silencing the naysayers.  And now if suggested it, it will be interesting to see if others agree, or not.

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I spoke too soon.........in one of my recent posts I said my RM 1.63 revision 1 was now working fine and stable. Having a touch of insomnia tonight I decided to fire up RM and play trains for a bit. It's now just gone 2AM UK time.


On starting up RM I found that my controller icon that had previously been solid green and reporting controller active status was now greyed out and showing controller inactive status, but was still functioning. This greyed out icon had been reported by 1.62 users on Windows 10, but I had never seen this greyed out icon issue on my setup before (as still on W8x).


Anyway, changing my Check controller=0 .INI line to =1 restored the green colour to my controller icon, but now of course it has the annoying flash every few seconds. That I can probably live with as it's just an irritation, but when I hover the mouse cursor over the controller icon, even though it is green, it has gone back to showing the controller as 'inactive'.


Just for the sake of clarity and benefit of others my three additional .INI lines now read (for an Elite controller with RM 1.63 revision 1):


Elite feedback=1

Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1


I am at a loss as to why this has changed just as a result of starting up my PC and RM from scratch as everything was working just as I liked it at the point of my last PC / RM / Elite shut down and power off only a few hours previously.


PS - Fishy a well thought out, elegantly considered and logical last post you made. Any update that is triggered by the RM startup auto update process must be a fully tested bullet proof release. I agree with you, there must be hundreds out there that now have issues and know absolutely nothing about modifying .INI files.

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I find this whole sorry mess absolutely ridiculous.  You cannot in all conscience expect fathers buying RM for this xmas, on christmas morning, having to try and explain to their children that  unfortunately, their present will not run, until they have worked out how to alter an INI file.  Surely to goodness, it cannot be rocket science, to produce an update, that includes this file amendment automatically.   Many, Many, will be totally upset, if they dont do something quickly. As Fishy commented, there is time, to try something with those on this forum, as guinea pigs. Once proved ok, it could be added in time for xmas . Personally, i am disgusted. I resisted all these new fixes, and windows 10, happily running my trains, until i was sick of being told everything was now fine. Obviously, it was not. There are some very computer literate people on here, and some who consider they are. I am not on of these. Have never opened, or used INI, file since i bought RM, and did not need to, until this sorry mess. There is nothing  in the RM literature that says trains will not run , unless you play/ adjust this file. There is a massive windows 10 update/ release, next month, according to my son in Texas. Will we all have to become boffins to deal with the next fix.   I am afraid my enthusiasm is starting to wane, and i would like a response from HRMS, as i am sure would many, that , THEY, not US, are going to deliver a fix that includes this ini   adjustment. john

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Regarding the .ini file.


As previously stated you intend to continue with the .ini file for the time being. This said, the .ini file includes items you have included so the user can tweak them to suit their railway system. 


Surely then, the .ini file should not be changed by HRMS unless information is provided at the time of download stating, what has been changed and why. May I suggest pop up message confirming this at the download stage, as reading the text files is not always done until the update has been downloaded and installed.


It appears the saga of finding and changing the .ini file continues, I have to admit that I agree with yelrow above, that many people buying RailMaster or RailMaster sets for their children at Christmas will be extremely frustrated if their child's Christmas present wasn't working as it should and they had to refer to the forum and be told to do things to correct the issues, when they haven't a clue what an .ini file is, where the .ini file, is, how to change the .ini file, and save it. Although guys on the forum are happy to help by the time the person has left a message on the forum, the child is upset, the dad is annoyed, the mother is fed up of the bickering, and the Hornby train set is put away. Not a good picture I think.


We do hope, when you have time, you will consider St1ngr4y's suggestion and include the settings currently in the .ini file in a table in the RailMaster Layout Design setup section.


Thank you

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PJ, Gosh, you and i as one. Steps back in amazement. Seriously though, this is getting beyond a joke. Lets hope it does not take a  large drop in sales, before common sense prevails. I know of no other product where having worked fine for 18 months, the manufacturers, decide to produce a solution which throws everything into such turmoil. I am persuing this with Hornby direct under seperate cover, as i belive they need to understand how serious this is, not only for existing customers, but for future sales. john

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"yelrow" - this update does not affect anybody installing RailMaster for the first time as things are set up optimally - so there will be no disappointed fathers or sons on Christmas Day.  Only a few, and we stress, few (certainly not hundreds) of existing users of Elites had an issue with the update.  Remember that there are many thousands of users worldwide.

As you are aware with Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a bug in the USB Port Serial driver which allows communications between a computer and the DCC controller.  This mainly affected the eLink as it uses a slightlly different chipset to the Elite.  As you also know, rather than wait for Microsoft to issue a fix (which still has not happened) we bit the bullet and created a new comms handling system to get around the issue.  This involved a great deal of work and had knock-on effects in trying to please everybody all of the time.

We must rightly assume that at some point, most users of Windows will gravitate to Windows 10 and therefore the fundamental comms system must work.

It has been a careful balance between ensuring that all existing users' systems still work and new users do not experience problems installing and setting up RailMaster and their DCC controller.

To keep things working smoothly, for example, we introduced a new INI file setting "Elite feeback=0" which allows you to control whether the Elite feeds back throttle changes to RailMaster.  Feeding back changes obviously take up serial bandwidth.  Existing users of the Elite who were operating DCC controller knobs whilst using RailMaster will have noticed that throttle updates to the RailMaster screen now stopped, however it stated in both the web minor upgrade page and releases notes (which it enourages you to read) that putting "Elite feedback=1" will restore this function.  We wanted it turned off by default, not on.  Any new users will not know about this (unless they look for it) so it doesn't matter.

We put a revision up yesterday which does not alter certain INI file settings for existing Elite users so leaves things as they are, however, if and when they update to Windows 10 they may need to change these.

We stress that only a few existing users have had this problem however some of them can be very 'vocal' on these forums and have a short fuse.

We are making further improvements, especially around the DCC connection indicator, and while this saying "inactive" may make some users furious, it has no effect on the operation of RailMaster.  It is purely an aesthetic/information thing.

We test these updates before they go out into the field with several users, each using different versions of Windows and you will appreciate that every computer is unique.  This means there are bound to be some users affected by an update the way you have been.  Of course, the vast majority of users for whom this works do not go onto forums singing and dancing about the fact that an update works.  It is only the vocal minority who shout about problems, and of course when they also exaggerate, other users believe the problems they have are being suffered by everybody else and it does nobody a service.

As you know, from past experience, when we come across a problem we do not just sit on it, we actively try to resolve it as quickly as possible.  Some are more complex than others and we also have to prioritise.  This kind of issue is at the top of the list, which is why we moved to resolve it quickly.


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An update to my earlier "I spoke too soon" post.


I decided to carry on into the early hours trying out different .INI file settings and found this following combination of settings suited my Elite better. They (for me at least) gave me a Green controller icon that didn't flash and didn't lose connection.


Elite feedback=1

Alternative comms=0

Check controller=0


But like I mentioned in my "I spoke too soon" post. Hovering the mouse cursor over the controller icon still gave a 'Controller inactive' status message.


The first time 'Alternative comms" was set as =0, my RM / Elite went into an endless loop of connecting / disconnecting. But when that happened I had entered the 'Alternative comms' line manually as HRMS directed me to do, but the 'Check controller' line was not present in the file at that particular time. I therefore deduce that these two lines 'Alternative comms' & 'Check controller' need to be present together as a pair. Having one without the other would appear to cause problems.


To me things are begining to make some sense. I may be wrong but I suspect that the 'Alternative comms' & 'Check controller' are set to =0 if you have an Elite and set to =1 if you have an eLink (the polling that causes the controller icon to flash is HRMS's solution to eLink loosing connection).


However, the 'Controller inactive' status is still, in my eyes, a 'bug' and needs rectifying.


EDIT: did not see HRMS reply above until after posting this.

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yelrow - your comments do not help this situation.  You do not know how many users are affected yet you use words like " this is getting beyond a joke" and "throws everything into such turmoil".  You are, frankly, exaggerating this situation out of all proportion.

Would you be happy if we just pulled RailMaster from the market and killed it?  Is that what you want to achieve through your complaints?

We understand that you, in particular, are furious at having had to alter a couple of lines in your RailMaster.ini file and this is clearly very upsetting for you, even though you had the solution quickly, but please put this issue into context.  Shouting about your personal experiences with having to make a minor modifiction to a configuration setting in RailMaster and the misery it seems to have caused you does not help other users.  This forum is for helping other users, which is why it exists.  Your ranting postings do nothing to assist others, unfortunately.


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