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RM 1.63 update

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Earlier in this post I complained that 1.63 upgrade screwed my Pro version and made it non usable. Well I have to say that the guys at HRMS did sterling service when, despite problems with my internet conection, they dialled in and working late this eve (on a FRIDAY!!) they fixed it and I am back to a working system again.They obviously take customer support very seriously, and I think we should avoid knocking them. They can only do so much in the time available

Thanks HRMS

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 Hello Everybody,

I have a problem with the update that has just downloaded onto my Railmaster software. The Railmaster cannot communicate with my e-link controller. On start up a window pops up telling me that railmaster is unable to communicate with my controller and it tells me to unplug the USB cable from my e-link, wait 5 seconds and plug back in, then press OK (the green Tick). this I have done no end of times, with no success. I have restarted my computer no end of times, I have tried changing the USB com port, I have had no luck at all with any of this. Can anyone out there please help me?. By the way I dont have a modern computer, I use a desktop that is running microsoft Vista as its operating system, up until now I have have never had a problem with Railmaster or the e-link.

Thank you all.


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 Hello Everybody,

I have a problem with the update that has just downloaded onto my Railmaster software. The Railmaster cannot communicate with my e-link controller. On start up a window pops up telling me that railmaster is unable to communicate with my controller and it tells me to unplug the USB cable from my e-link, wait 5 seconds and plug back in, then press OK (the green Tick). this I have done no end of times, with no success. I have restarted my computer no end of times, I have tried changing the USB com port, I have had no luck at all with any of this. Can anyone out there please help me?. By the way I dont have a modern computer, I use a desktop that is running microsoft Vista as its operating system, up until now I have have never had a problem with Railmaster or the e-link.

Thank you all.


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David, welcome to the forums.  Seems like you have been reading this thread to find Derrick's post back on page 3 but not quite all of it as the solution is in here.  Two below Derrick's post is one from Chris with a link back to page 2 of the Not Connecting to Elite thread where there is a post from HRMS giving you the solution, particularly the 2 lines to add to your ini file.


Make sure for a start that you have downloaded and installed rev1 of 1.63 by clicking on the link at the top of the RM forum, the original release of 1.63 had bugs.  Then put in those lines in the ini file and restart.  Is your problem fixed?  If not, email HRMS from in the Help window of RM and they will assist.


Note to HRMS - here's someone who needed my suggestion to include this detail in Latest News.

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Chrissaf, hi, HRMS, had a look, then got cut off., before finalising, as had to restart system Will continue after weekend, if necessary, but having now a mouth full of bullets, with 1.63, and ini file done result as follows.  Under spanner, Controller A is Elite, but has a red background. Does yours.. Secondly every 30 secs box comes up, PLEASE WAIT CONNECTING TO ELITE,  and Green Elite sign flashes. Despite all this, Trains run fine from RM. Have tried ini at 0, and 1, cos read same thing happened to you. Think i am nearly there, with lot of help from HRMS. Any views. john

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John, when you hover the mouse cursor over the little yellow box near to the clock in the lower right hand corner that has 1.63 displayed in it. Does a little pop up appear saying "revision 0" or "revision 1". If it says 'revision 0' then you need to download the later 'revision 1' version from the link located on the top of the RM forum section. This will place a file called rm_setup.exe in your download folder. Double click this file (assuming it is on the same PC as your RM installation) and follow on-screen prompts. The earlier 'revision 0' version had bugs in it affecting Elite communications.


My .INI file settings that worked for me (and I must stress that these are the settings that suited my particular set up, so may not be as suitable for yours) was:

Elite feedback=1

Alternative comms=0

Check controller=0


I definitely had issues when the Check controller line was missing altogether, so make sure that both Alternative comms and Check controller are both there in your .INI file.

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Chrissaf, hi, thanks. I have 1.63 revis ion now in placeand  I have put those settings in  ini file. Do you have your Elite with red background in controller A.. Will  look again tomorrow. Am still unconvinced about 1.63, so have downloaded  trial rm, in a borrowed uk laptop to try tomorrow. If that has same probs, it will absolve my laptop from blame, or vice versa. It all runs ok, but these 30 secs, please wait, connecting to Elite are a pain. john

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I don't recall seeing any red background for the controller in System Settings. Something like that I'm sure I would have noticed as it would stand out like a sore thumb.

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Well, just emailed Roger, his is also, on red background, as is Elink. You probably have had no cause to look at your spanner box, since 1.63. Has anybody else spotted this.  Rog also has these flickers, but no please wait box. curiouser and curioser. john

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As you say, I don't think I have had any need to go into the System Settings window since the 1.63 upgrade.


I have just fired up Elite and RM and looked in System Settings (Spanner icon for you, Cog icon for me, as I use the RM Metallic colour theme which is different). In my case the controller background highlight is not red, but a shade of pink. Unless HRMS state otherwise, I don't think that there is any negative significance of having the colour highlight. If I pull down the 'choose controller' box the whole selection box has this pink highlight colour.


I suspect that HRMS have now made that particular box highlighted in 1.63, just to bring it to the attention of users that this is an important setting that needs to have an option chosen. If it denoted some form of warning, then I would expect the other controllers in the pull down list to not have the colour highlight, OR have the highlight flashing.


Just to re-iterate, although my controller A setting does indeed have a colour highlight, my controller icon on the right hand side of the top row is rock steady solid green, does not flash, and I do not have any controller based error messages every 30 secs or so. My configuration is (thankfully) perfectly stable from a RM / Controller handshaking point of view.


Question: Do you still have an eLink configured as your controller B?. If you do, why not just temporarily change the controller B setting to 'None' and see if that stops the 30 sec Elite message affecting controller A.


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Last post EDIT opportunity has timed out.


Just to add. When my .INI lines for 'Alternative comms' and 'Check controller' were both =1 then my controller icon did flash every 5 seconds. I stopped this 5 second flash by changing those two particular .INI lines to =0


Also John. Since HRMS logged onto your PC and made changes to your .INI file plus you have made changes yourself. I suggest you scroll back through the whole file and ensure that none of the lines you added are duplicated. That is to say, make sure you do not have two or more 'Alternative comms' or 'Check controller' lines added. If you have, that could potentially cause a conflict. Those entries should only be there once for each entry.

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As John says - we have been in communication. My settings are:-

Alternative Comms = 1

Check Controller = 1

Elite Feedback = 1


I have no warning pop-ups.




EDIT: your post Chris was made whilst I was typing mine. My RM behaves the same as yours.

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Elite feedback=1

Alternative comms=0

Check controller=0


I have changed the last two as shown, and although the controller now does not flash, highlighted it still shows controller A inactive.

I think I'll just revert to

Elite feedback=0

Alternative comms=1

Check controller=1

Can't see the point of the Elite feeding back to the RM screen.


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Just be aware that in a previous post, HRMS stated that they were aware that the "controller A inactive" message was being displayed. In the same post, they stated that they were planning further enhancements to the controller status reporting. I took this to infer that the 'inactive' status display would be fixed in a later release.


So if you prefer the icon not to flash and / or have Elite knob feedback, then re-instate the .INI settings and be patient for the status display feature to be fixed. That is what I am doing.

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In addition to all the above just remember that elite feedback is one way only, due to limitations in the elite. Elite actions will show on rm screens, but rm changes will not reflect back onto the elite screen, so if you are waiting for that to happen, I would go and put the kettle on and find a good book to read. If you just want rm to show what the elite has done then as Chris says, be patient.


the problem begs the question if you are using rm and its throttles to run your locos why are you twiddling with the elite..?

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Although RailMaster does allow full control of model railways through your computer screen and most people are happy with this it is understandable that some user still prefer the tactile feedback of a knob on the contoller which is why we enabled support for Elite feedback into the program.  It is correct that commands sent to the Elite will not update the Elite's display because the Elite's firmware doesn't support this function.  Remember that the Elite was built some years before RailMaster came onto the scene and this was not thought of.  Not only this but the firmware programming space is limited and there is only so much functionality that can be built in.

Since we do recognise that users still like physical, mechanical feedback with knobs and buttons we are working on something which will hopefully satisfy everybody.  Please don't ask what, where and when.  You all know that we are always building more useful things into the RailMaster ecosystem.

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