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RM 1.63 update

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In order to attempt to apply a little salve to the open wound of animosity seen recently between certain forum members and your good selves (who are invidiously stuck between the rock of customer moans and the hard place of working prompt product updates), may I suggest that akin to other software that is often amended, you could possibly adopt a 'build' suffix to help users determine which update state their application is working at, even if only for fault finding purposes.

Rocrail for instance, which has very frequent changes for either reported faults, incorporating new features and/or equipment; as well as anti-virus software with their frequent virus database updates, are usually amended and compiled overnight and issued as incremental builds - e.g. the format could be RM V1.63 rev1.xxxx 

Trusting that this is taken in the spriit in which it was posted - a customer/supplier bridge builder as we all want the kit to work without any problems and progress to be made on the upcoming features.


Edit: - re Rog's shaking problem - I find that if I click on the design mode screen then all the track joints flash at me. This seems to me to just be a refresh happening.

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Your probably right RAF - I know very little about these things. What I was not getting though was the ability to SAVE the edited plan, the box with the "Plan already exists - do you want to overwrite it" didn't come along except in the circumstances I posted. I have since got hold of the latest (?) update from PowerPos and now everything works as before, at least not with so much of a "shake" perhaps more of a "tremor". R-

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As of yesterday 9th Nov. RM downloaded from the Railmaster forum link (powerpos.com), now reports within the application (mouse cursor hover over 1.63 box) as being 1.63 revision 2

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I am still waiting for HRMS to sort out why the timing using "accelerate to" is incorrect. They suggested and I tried changing certain ini settings without success. Hope they sort it soon as I cannot use my programmes at the moment.

Hi Greg,

I found setting Alternate Comms=0 corrected the problem with accelerate/decelerate commands for me. Unfortunately, I see that you have an Elink whereas I use an Elite, so this solution may not work for you.


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HRMS suggested changing check controller to 0. All this did was stopped the short circuit window appearing. They also suggested deleting elite feedback which I did again no change.

I have now run three tests, each tree times.

Test 1 with 1 second per 120 speed step. Test 2 with 0.5 seconds, test 3 with 0.1 seconds.

Test 1 over ran by approx 25%. Test 2 over ran by approx 50%. Test three over ran by approx 250%.

Never had this issue prior to 1.63.


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John, the forum link may say revision 1, but if you click it you get revision 2 downloaded. It's just that Adam hasn't yet caught up with updating the link text. That was the reason why I bought the revision 2 availability to the attention of the forum in my earlier post. The forum link is where I got my copy of revision 2 from.

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Rev2 downloaded and installed. On first acquaintance, it looks like a regression from Rev 1 here. All the bugs of Rev 1 are still present, and I now have a new one: 2 Loco Control Windows are displayed on first use, but on subsequent uses only one. Well, I suppose that fixes the non-display of Elite feedback :-).  I'll investigate a bit more before reporting this direct to HRMS. Anyone else seeing this?



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AM, I can only comment on my own personal experiences. But when I first started revision 2 for the very first time. I had no unusual observations, everything functioned exactly as the revision 1 version I had previously installed. I still get Elite throttle feedback just as I did before (single throttle window only as I don't have ProPack).


This is purely anecdotal as I didn't do an extensive testing session, but I felt as if the throttle response was more fluid and clicking the cruise, shunt and stop buttons on the throttle seemed less glitchy.


I don't use any of the advanced RM features such as 'signals' and 'programs' so cannot comment on issues that other's have been affected with.


The one issue I don't see fixed is the Green controller icon still reports 'Controller A Inactive' - HRMS did state in a previous post that they were aware of this and would be looking at it. And I still get some minor loss of synchronisation for the 'function' buttons between the large and small throttle windows.


@admin, more than happy to keep cracking the whip so to speak. ha ha.

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Thanks for that. We really need another Pro user to compare notes. I have to say that it is my impression here that RM has been getting steadily worse over the last weeks. This new bug is the first one which is more than minor and which is really affecting the way I use RM. I do need confimation that others see this one, and that it is not a local problem.



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What do you mean AM by "first use" and "subsequent use"? I have tried calling two up and removing them both, and then calling two up deleting one and calling the same 2nd one; and then a different 2nd throttle and then another pair.  I am not seeing what you are reporting. R-

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I opened one then another: both opened correctly. I closed one, and then when I tried to re-open a second, the data overwrote in the first, as it would if it wasn't the Pro variant. I hope that is clear?


I did wonder if the Pro features had been lost, but that doesn't seem to be the case so far as I have been able to investigate.



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Rev2 downloaded and installed. On first acquaintance, it looks like a regression from Rev 1 here. All the bugs of Rev 1 are still present, and I now have a new one: 2 Loco Control Windows are displayed on first use, but on subsequent uses only one. Well, I suppose that fixes the non-display of Elite feedback :-).  I'll investigate a bit more before reporting this direct to HRMS. Anyone else seeing this?



Hi AM,

May I ask whether you have "Controllers on top=" in your railmaster.ini file, and if so what it is set to?


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I've just re-booted it all to make sure it was going to re-start the same as before and yes, it is just as I said earlier, and to confirm I am on 1.63.2.


A small change I just noticed, but it may have been like that for some time, is that the Elite icon now comes on straight away on boot up, and hovering over it gives a label saying Controller A Version: 1.41. Nothing about active or inactive. As I say maybe that has been there a while.



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Hi Ray, I don't have "Controllers on top" in my .ini file at all. The other much talked about settings for Alternative Comms, Check Controller and Elite Feedback are all set to "1". R-

Hi R,

I would guess then that the default value of =1 will be used to keep these windows on top. I have this parameter set to 0 in my INI file. However, I find that if I click the small loco controller to open up its large brother, the click on something on the main RM window e.g. switch a point or run a program, the large controller window disappears. This is exactly what I would expect from this setting. HOWEVER, it is extremely difficult to get that window back on top. If you use Alt+Tab to scroll through all open windows, the large controller is not among those windows. If you hover your mouse cursor over the RM icon on the Windows taskbar, it isn't there either. If you click the samll loco throttle for the same loco again, you hear a ding-dong sound, which I assume means that "this controller is already open". I did manage to find the allusive controller. The only way is to MINIMISE all of the other windows which are open one by one, and eventually you will see the controller window.

As far as the other recently introduced settings are concerned, I have all three set to zero, and have had no "comms" problems at all.


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Hi Ray, I don't have "Controllers on top" in my .ini file at all. The other much talked about settings for Alternative Comms, Check Controller and Elite Feedback are all set to "1". R-

I've just spent some time composing a reply, and posted it. It didn't seem to work and at first I thought I had been timed out of my login. So I sent it again, but this time I noticed a message at the top of the page saying my post had been witheld for moderation due to profanity. I had saved the text so I pasted it into Notepad. I've re-read it over and over, and I can't for the life of me decide which words the system has been offended by :-) 

Let's wait and see if it turns up !!!  Adam, you should have access to my email address - perhaps you could let me know what I said ... ?



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