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RM 1.63 update

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I'm sure there are others with that setting. However, my preference is not to have them on top. Using the new parameter with a value of 0, it allows them to go into the background when the main screen is clicked. However, my point is that it is difficult to get to them again once they have disappeared. The "usual" Windows key combination of Alt+Tab doesn't find them.


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My apologies Ray - I hadn't picked up what your issue really was and was thinking we (AM, you and I) were all talking about the inability to get two throttles on a subsequent selection having got them both initially. I have re-read your post at the top of page 19 and see now that I missed that entirely. Windows going behind the main screen is something I have noticed before, it might even have been throttles, and I found that if I halved the RM screen (the button between MINIMISE and CLOSE - RM control seems unaffected by this) you will see the hidden pop-up / throttle (or whatever else it was) which you could then tap and pull to the front then open RM up to full screen again. I say "could" as that was in a previous version. I get throttles always on top now so cannot replicate the issue. R-

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