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Not sure where this should go


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Whilst utilising a high degree of operational expertise on my layout (i.e. playing trains) this afternoon I got this pop-up on my screen. I have no idea how I did it or what its purpose might be. I have e-mailed a copy yo HRMS. If anyone has any ideas I'd like to hear them if no-one else does.


Adam, please feel free to re-title and/or move this post to the correct location. R-



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That just looks like the multiple headers window, which allows you to select up to five locos to put into a double-header.

It is accessible by pressing the multiple headers button at the top of the main RailMaster screen.

If you are using a remote mouse throttle (or have it enabled) then pressing on the wheel button on the mouse for more than two seconds brings up this window to allow you to choose a loco to drive.

Full details are in the RailMaster PDF guide.

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What was throwing me a little was it was not titled "Multiple Headers", there was no grid, no green tick and not all locomotives were in the list. I also thought I'd found an early easter egg! R-

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