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Railmaster runs locos but can't read/write their CV

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With respect, you will get a better response from forum members if you start your own topic in the RailMaster section of this forum rather than tagging on (hijacking) the end of someone else's problem. If your issue is not one of PC / eLink communications, then you would be better served by clearly stating in your own topic exactly what is your issue. Unfortunately we are not mind readers.


Bear in mind. You might think that it is not a PC / eLink communication issue, but once the forum contributors understand exactly what your issue is, then it may transpire that it is a comms problem.

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Your problem appears to be one of not being able to read via RM one particular type of decoder if I read your post correctly.

When RM does its read does it recognise the decoder by manufacturers ID and decoder type. If hnot then it is unlikely to be able to read the CVs. Do you get a box up in RM saying '...can;'t read this decoder, send up a fact sheet, etc...'.

As Chris says it would be better to start a new thread detailing step by step what you have done and what results you get, rather than posting 'I've read everything and its no use and I'm doing it all right...' on someone elses unrelated topic.

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Rob (RAF96), be cautious here. The bulk of the yellow box text that describes the CV reading issue in Swiftnicks post is not text written by Swiftnick. The query text was originally written by @ilduca1960. Swiftnick used the 'blue quote' button process and got his last two lines of contributory text trapped in the yellow box at the bottom, as many new posters do.


Thus it is only an inference that his issue relates to CV reading, but there is NO detail of his particular issue to base any form of realistic assumptions on. Hence why I suggested and you agree, that Swiftnick would be better raising his own specific topic question.

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Addendum to my last post above (edit window timed out). Having read the post attributed to Swiftnick again. I am now of the opinion that NONE of the text in the yellow box is his. In other words he has just clicked the 'Blue Quote' button (which of course replicates the original poster text made by @ilduca1960) and not added any text of his own at all.

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Addendum to my last TWO posts. I do wish this forum had the ability to delete one's own posts.


As I can't find the text in Swiftnicks yellow box post associated with any original earlier post made by @ilduca1960. I am now of the opinion that Swiftnick used the 'Blue Quote' button on an earlier post written by @ilduca1960 and THEN deleted all the original @ilduca1960 text to insert his own. I do wish (as others have also requested) admin would remove the 'blue quote button' it can cause so much confusion when new posters use it incorrectly.

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Snick, the reason I gave you the advice I did is simple.  As others will confirm, in 99% of cases of RM not doing what it is supposed to do these days, it has not been set up correctly, hence my advice.  In the other 1% of cases, the best solution is to contact HRMS via the Help window in RM, whereupon they will log into your computer and fix it for you.  However, I'd note that in 99% of those who've had HRMS do this, HRMS has found that it wasn't set up correctly, despite the user thinking it was.


So my advice - double check everything in that post.  Start by first downloading and installing the update again, then making sure the comm port matches and is under 5 and that the baud rate is correct.  Then fix your ini file and restart.  If still not working, contact HRMS.  And if you are in the .01%, we'd love to hear back so we can add your experience to our memory banks to help others.

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Sorry everyone, I am not into forums and find them confusing. I obviously did the wrong thing with my first post.

Anyway problem solved. All the things you have been saying about communications I had followed meticulously and I knew that was not the problem.

The problem was simply that I have stay-a-lives on my decoders and the large capacitors stop RM reading the decoder. Disconnect the live wire and all works perfectly. It came to me in a flash of inspiration last night. It had been in the back of my mind that I had read it in some publication.

Thanks for your comments

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Not to worry Swiftnick, the main thing is that you have got your issue resolved. That is what is most important.


Stay Alive components affecting CV reading was mentioned (albeit not prominently) at the bottom of page 1 of this topic thread.


Just purely out of curiosity on my part. You say "Disconnected the live wire......." does this mean that you had to take the body off the loco to access this 'live wire'?


As I think you have discovered due to the way your last current post is formatted. You appear to have discovered that you ignore the 'Blue Quote' button and scroll down to the bottom of the page and write your post in the great big blank text box and use the 'Green' Reply button.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup Chrissaf, have to take the body off and break the connection. I do it at a centre joint on the wire. It is a big enough pain that ESU do not provide connecting wires for the powerpack or stay alive, but expect customers to solder them to the decoder!. With tender locos it is possible to put the stay alive in the tender with the loudspeaker and use a micro connector under the tender. You would think that ESU who recommend their powerpack with the locsound and show it in the manuals would have sorted this problem.

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Stay Alive components affecting CV reading was mentioned (albeit not prominently) at the bottom of page 1 of this topic thread.


Do these new F-loco decoders have stay alive as the presence of capacitors has been known to cause addressing problems to the extent of people fitting a 'programming' switch to cut them out of circuit during programming.

Next time I'll give it bold.

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