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Elite Drivers


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Driver, hi, surely, it plug and play. You open Railmaster, having connected Elite via usb, then under the spanner icon,  on screen enter Elite in controller A, with correct baud rate. Com port needs to be under 5. I had no driver with mine. That should be it assuming  you have a licence.. Elite should work as stand alone, with throttles also through RM. Remember to update to current version. Once  RM is registered,, with licence details it will accept controller, unless someone knows different. You cannot transfer licence, so you must be original owner. john

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You didn't state what version of Windows you are using. From Windows 7 onwards, the Elite driver used, is provided by Microsoft from their online Windows driver repository. Prior to Windows 7, the driver you use, is the one provided with RailMaster. You don't need the CD. When you install RailMaster, a folder is created that contains the drivers. It doesn't matter whether RM is installed from the CD or from an online download from the link located at the top of the RailMaster forum section. The driver files are included in the Railmaster driver folder as part of the RM installation. Just remember that the driver files in that folder are for pre Windows 7 operating systems.


To install the driver you need to read the driver installation PDF (user guide) that is also installed as part of installing RM. The shortcut to these guides should have been placed on your PC desktop. If for any reason you cannot find the user guides you can download a fresh copy from here. You just need to follow the instructions in the guide relevant to the version of Windows you are using.


Note: It is the same driver whether the controller is the eLink OR the Elite. The installation process is the same. Just follow the instructions in the PDF guide. If you have already installed the eLink driver and are now just upgrading to an Elite controller then you do not need to install any additional drivers. Just make sure that in RM System Settings window under controller A that you choose Elite instead of eLink in the pull down selection box.


If you have any issues making RM recognise the Elite controller or connect to it, then you may need to make some modifications to your "Railmaster.ini" file this is all documented in the forum thread titled "Not connecting to Elite" the information you require is on page 2 of that thread. The third reply up from the bottom posted by HRMS themselves.


PS - If for any reason the version of RM you are using is earlier than version 1.63 revision 1, then I suggest you download the current version from the link at the top of the RailMaster section of this forum. When you start up RM, it should perform an online check and offer to install this version. It may be however that your RM PC is not connected to the Internet or the PC security is blocking it, else your RM version should be at 1.63 r 1 already.


Failing all that, If you are still having problems getting it working then read through the two locked threads (yellow padlock icons) located as the first two topics at the top of the RailMaster forum section (just below the RM download clickable link).


I think John's reply has misinterpreted your query.

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Chrissaf, did you look at my 1.63 post. You read this totally different to how i read it. M ind you, he does not mention elink. When i bought my Elite, it was just plug and play apart from point i made. john


But John, when you bought your Elite you had already been an existing eLink user. So yes, the Elite was 'plug n play' in your particular situation as Elite uses the same driver as the eLink. Hence my additional comment in bold above in the middle of my posted reply. I was just providing additional information because the OP's query was lacking in detail. I looked at the OP's previous posting history and he has been a forum member since 2011, yet this is his first post. It would be strange if he had RM installed without any controller at all, so I considered that an upgrade from eLink to Elite was a likely candidate for this particular posted query.


Yes I have seen your request in 1.63 post. I had just written my reply there, just prior to navigating back here.

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