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What do I need?


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I have a faily simple layout which has a cople of loops, some sidings and about 6 sets of points.

I am looking at purchasing a Select controller as I have no real intention of making the layout bigger but as I want to recreate my youth I like the idea of using point levers/switches as I had these on my layout back in the 70's to control some signals.

My question therefore is what, apart from the Select unit, will I need to get in order to make six sets of points,  and probably some signals, work. Clearly I will need the switches & wiring but what do I need to power them.

As a supplemental question what decoders should I get to convert my engines...they are all recent purchases and as far as I can remember all DCC ready.

All help appreciated.


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If you do decide to operate them electrically and not via a DCC decoder then I would highly recommend adding a CDU (Capacitor Discharge Unit). As well as providing a really positive kick to throw any points that might be sticky.


The way a CDU works provides:


  1. Complete 'anti-burn out' protection to the point motor solenoid coils. The CDU only provides a very short pulse, it is impossible for it to provide a continuous 'on' output that may burn out a coil.
  2. The ability to use a cheaper lower current power source such as a 16 VAC transformer (see EDIT below). It is the CDU that provides the high current kick. The current output of the transformer can be lower as it trickle charges the CDU. A typical point solenoid will draw about 4 amps or more, so without the CDU it is the power supply that has to provide this high current.


The minimum voltage input to a CDU for robust reliable operation of your points should IMHO be considered as 15/16 volts AC.


CDU's can be purchased very cheaply.


For more information on how to wire solenoid point motors to switches with and without CDUs in the circuit follow this link. For more information about CDU prices and suppliers follow this link.


EDIT: You say you are intending to purchase a Select and you are also enquiring about fitting after market loco decoders. So this infers that you currently use an analogue DC controller. Many analogue controllers have an Auxilliary 15/16 vac output for accessories. This auxilliary output, if your controller has one, would be ideal for connecting into the input of a CDU.


Just be aware that the Select is not fully compliant with standards and has limited functionality (for example it can only write a very limited range of CV's). I would strongly recommend looking at spending a little more for a better controller.


PS - The output side of the CDU should only be used for solenoid point motors. Any signals should be powered via the input side of the CDU, and if LED based signals are used these should be powered via their own dedicated 12 volt DC supply. Again you can use an existing analogue controller output (the controlled DC output that is) to power signal lights.


So if an existing analogue controller with Aux output exists, you could use the 15/16 volts AC Aux output to connect to the CDU to power your points and the main DC controller output to power your signals.

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I'm assuming you don't want to operate from the Select from what you say so you'll just need point motors to go with the wiring and switches. Hornby make 2 types which you can search for in the shop.


And the R8249 decoder will meet your needs too.  All you will need to do if DCC Ready is remove the body then the blanking plug in the DCC socket and plug in the decoder, making sure it is mounted such that it is insulated from anything metal. Your DCC Ready locos should have come with a piece of heatshrink tubing for the purpose, in fact each will have enough for 2 decoders.

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