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green and pink

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hi, following my link up with HRMS, things were perfect. This afternoon, turned on Rm, and looked at loco list. On the top of some was pink background, with no 127, in it. On the others with greeb background were, nos 45, 87 90, and 95. All those locos move with Elite, but do not respond to RM. Any thoughts, guys. john

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Hi John - my apologies, I completely misunderstood your question at the top of the double heading thread, and I claim my first senior moment of the week. As for this subject, I don't seem to have any Green or Pink backgrounds on any screen containing locomotive information i.e. Single Loco Icon (Set Up Locomotives); Double Loco Icon (Double Header set-up) or Quadruple Loco Icon (Quick Loco Select). Where I do have a coloured background now is in Settings where  "Controller A" now has a background as do all the other controllers. R-

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Roger, fear not, my senior moments are increasing. When you have all locos shown on the right hand side of your sceen, for example, 009, cock o the north, at the very top is a pink background box in which is 127, as it is for several others. However 3 other locos, plus Tutn table which is 0022, have green background boxes, with numbers 45, 87, 90 and 95. I just wondered why the difference. Having re launched RM, this morning, everything runs, but boxes remain in two coloures. Perhaps they always were, cant remember.. I was hopeful that double header would work, either way, cos when i am round far side of layout, with my super Select walkabout , wanted to run them. Have found a diddy snag with Walkabout, as if short occurs, it would appear i have to walk back to Elite, to clear it. john

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Well, have learned something. Just had full reply from HRMS, and i am not going mad. Locos with green box, means profiled for scale speed operation, whilst those in pink box, 127, means scale speed profile, for speed steps. Now HONESTLY guys, how many of you, knew that. Thanks, HRMS. john

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Ah - I'm with you now. Mine are all green and the number (which is right at the top of the speedometer) is the top speed for that throttle as per your loco settings. If you slide the speed indicator bar up with your mouse button you will see a box appear which will indicate incrementing speeds the uppermost level of which is the number in the coloured background. Why you have some pink backgrounds I don't know, perhaps HRMS can comment? R-


EDIT : John, your HRMS update was posted as I did mine. And no,I didn't know any of that. R-

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I feel i must bring this back to the fore again, as, there appears a dearth of people responding. I cant belive that all th RM owners on the forum, excluding Roger and I, knew about the scale speed steps, and the difference between the pink background boxes, and the green ones.. john

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Well, I for one knew about pink and green headers, but I didn't realise that was what you were seeing from your description. I thought that you had identified a new and complicated bug. A screen shot would have clarified the matter in seconds, although I've never tried to capture the RM window.  However, I didn't know that you could mix the pink and green headers - I thought they were all one or the other. Live and learn as they say.



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AM, thanks, sorry, about poor explanation. I have never achieved a screen shot or photo, either from my laptop, or Ipad. Wnen i tried to send one to hornby, they were unable to open it. I found the explanation, most interesting, as i had  never seen them discussed in any post on this forum. The speed steps are different again, with a turntable. john

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Tucked away within Windows 7 is an inbuilt screen capture utility called "Snipping Tool". You will find it by navigating to the Start Menu, All Programs, Accessories, folder.


Alternatively, click the Start Menu icon (the round Windows icon very bottom left hand corner of your screen) and start typing "snipping" in the 'Search Programs and files' box at the bottom. By the time you have typed the first three letters "sni" the Snipping Tool shortcut should appear as the first entry in the search results. Click that entry to start the tool. It is extremely easy to use as instructions on what to do are shown on screen as you use it.


Remember to save the screen capture as a JPEG (.JPG) file if you want to post it on the forum. The tool defaults to save in .PNG file format that is not supported on the forum.

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Chris, as usual thanks, would have shown my pink and green, if i had known how. Should i master this, of course, you may wish, you had never shown me. Will have a look. Used to sniping on ebay, but not familiar with this. Might take a bit of translation/ finding on my french windows, which is where dedicated laptop  , and layout is connected to. Watch this space. You, of course , would have been fully up to speed on pink and green. john

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I could lie John and sound big headed. But no, had never noticed pink and green significance. From memory I think all mine are green. I might have given it some thought if I had seen different colours showing. By the way, there is a screen shot showing a green box on the forum already. You can see it here.

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Now I am back from my sourjourn to the other end of my small world I will be able to run rm and take a look.

i did know that you could have either scale mph or speed steps selected but I did not know that you could do it for individual locos, I though it was all one or 'tother.

i did not know about the colour variation though.,

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Hello John


If I am correct the boxes you refer to are the small ones at the top of the throttle, which are as you say, pink or green, and have a number in them.


The easy bit... the number refers to the maximum throttle speed for that loco.  I use eLink, sliding the throttle to the top reaches the speed number in the box.


Now the guess bit. The green could mean that the loco is set correctly in RM. It could also mean that RM is happy with the setup and speed set for the loco, in readiness for Loco Detection.


The pink boxes probably mean, I think, that RM is not happy with the loco set in that box or, it's speeds are not what it would expect for the loco you have installed.


Looking at the top 10 loco's in my list, all are green bar one. The one that is pink is my Bachmanns Royal Signals loco which I have to remove and reinstall as it hasn't worked right since RM 1.63  was installed. I will try re-set this tomorrow and see what happens.


I took a quick look at the RM 1.63 User Guide, page 46 +, shows the loco control and the little box with number in it. There are lines explaining what everything is except the little box (unless I missed it). This could mean HRMS forgot to add it in the RM Guide, or it could mean it is detailed in the LD Guide, which we won't see until LD is launched.  I know you like to consider LD John  ;o)


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PJ - Just FYI, John had a reply from HRMS that defined the meaning of the colour. He described HRMS's response in the third post up from the bottom on page 1 of this thread.

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