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hornby railmaster

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im having werd things goning on with the elink some times it works and over times it dos not like now it working but the minit i reload railmaster it wont work thay both up to date software is 1.63 and elink is 1.07. and usb below 5 and the band rate is up 115200 so i just dont get it /media/tinymce_upload/1f38799d38c3e8c5ae4b1947a95333ae.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/e86c2db623ecc9ff282934376571ffb5.jpg

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RailMaster 1.63 does work.  For existing users who may have edited their RailMaster.ini file in the past you need to follow the instructions or contact us.  To summarise:-

1. Ensure you have downloaded and installed RailMaster from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe.

2. It is advisable to ensure that the com port assigned to the USB Serial Port in Windows Device Manager is below five (so 1 to 4)

3. Ensure the BAUD rate in Windows Device Manager is set to 19200 if you have an Elite and 115200 if you have an eLink unit.


Ensure the lines "Alternative comms=0" and "Check controller=0" are in the RailMaster.ini file


Ensure the lines "Alternative comms=1" and "Check controller=1" are in the RailMaster.ini file

In very rare cases the USB Serial Port driver may need to be reinstalled.  To do this just right click on the USB Serial Port driver entry on Windows Device Manager and uninstall it.  It is important that you click on the box to Delete the driver too or this will not work.  When uninstalled just unplug the USB lead from your DCC controller, wait five seconds, plug it back in and Windows whould download the USB Serial Port driver afresh.  When it has just ensure the com port and BAUD rates are set correctly as above.

We have not come across a single user where the above did not fix their comms issues.  You just need to follow the instructions and 1.63 will work correctly.

None of this affects any new users, only existing users (particularly those with an Elite)

This is not "Sloppy code" "billhayleytwo".  We would remind you that all of the above has become necessary due directly to Microsoft introducing a bug in the USB Serial Port driver in Windows 10 and we must assume that at some point in the future most users will migrate to Windows 10.  Rather than wait for Microsoft to issue a fix we were proactive and did something about it.  There is nothing "Sloppy" about that.

In the very unlikely event you still have problems then send us a Help Request from within RailMaster itself and our support team can assist you further.


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Ensure the lines "Alternative comms=0" and "Check controller=0" are in the RailMaster.ini file


Ensure the lines "Alternative comms=1" and "Check controller=1" are in the RailMaster.ini file

What should I write to my ini file if I have both controllers active - i.e. Elite as A and eLink as B.

At the moment I have ini set as 1 for all 3 lines and I have no comms problems with either controller, noting that I prefer feedback from Elite to RM throttle(s).

(s) = .feedback is only to first large throttle and not second large throttle - reported today.

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My second  post did make the point that 1.63 does work with windows 10 and e link. It was just frustrating  that I was locked in this loop when updating to 1.63 on xp and the elite. It is very difficult to break out of the loop in order to invoke the settings or get to the mythical cog. My only  solution after many wasted hours was to roll back the computer to the last set point and that solution worked. I feel you are missing the point model railways are a relaxing hobby which should work seemlessly without hassle. Miss that point and you will be only catering for a small niche market.

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No im quite happy with DCC using the elite and select units as slaves. Its just when I dabble with computer control it can be annoying. Anyway I downloaded1.63 rev 1 from the forum and the same problem arose so I followed the instructions on altering the ini file and it worked ok. After I realised you have to add the lines to the ini file not amend them. Also for other usesrs how do you get round the fact that every time the error message comes up it stops all other actions and you have to make ammendments in the split second it is thinking about it. IM aso not sure as has been raised before if I was to use my e link on the same commputer with the elite as I have done previously both would work. I assumme the ini file would need some additional or changed values.

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 You can only use one DCC controller at a time on the same bus circuit.

You can use 2 controllers - one (say the Elite) to run locos and the other (say eLInk) to control points but these must be on separate bus circuits.

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In very rare cases the USB Serial Port driver may need to be reinstalled.  To do this just right click on the USB Serial Port driver entry on Windows Device Manager and uninstall it.  It is important that you click on the box to Delete the driver too or this will not work.  When uninstalled just unplug the USB lead from your DCC controller, wait five seconds, plug it back in and Windows whould download the USB Serial Port driver afresh.  When it has just ensure the com port and BAUD rates are set correctly as above.


Where is the box to click on to delete driver, have uninstalled several times but still not recognised. maybe I have gone blank but I cant find this box to delete driver, any help much appreciated before I have no hair left to pull out.

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Mr Beef.

Have a look at this Microsoft support 'How To' page. Note the following extract pasted below taken from this page.


Deleting a Driver Package from the Driver Store

On the Confirm Device Removal dialog box, click the Delete the driver software for this device option to delete the driver package that was used for the device.


There is some more information that might assist here.


Note: In many cases, before you can uninstall a driver in 'Device Manager (DM)' the device in question has to be attached to the PC so that the driver is loaded, before it becomes listed in DM to become uninstallable.


The MS support page above goes on to state:


Deleting the Binary Files of the Installed Driver

Device Manager cannot be used to perform this action.


If none of my linked info is of any use, then I would request HRMS to log into your PC via the inbuilt 'help' feature and do it for you.


EDIT: The MS support page link above must be quite old as it says click 'Hardware and Sound' in 'Control Panel' to access DM. In Windows 7 the 'Control Panel' does not have this 'Hardware and Sound' entry, but it does have a direct link to DM (think this is the same in W8x and 10 but not sure).

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  • 1 month later...

When you say the above instructions wearside, I take you mean you've done everything in HRMS's post on page 1, starting with downloading and installing the latest RM again from the link at the top of the forum?


Given you have, then email HRMS from Help window of RM.

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When you say the above instructions wearside, I take you mean you've done everything in HRMS's post on page 1, starting with downloading and installing the latest RM again from the link at the top of the forum?


Given you have, then email HRMS from Help window of RM.


Right guys iam kind of getting there sort of after numerous calls i got hold of the tech guy Mark nice chap he sorted my settings for com2 in device manager and railmaster the elink tried to update 1.7 flashing and hoping but wouldnt update,

Next bit went into the folder where my Railmaster folder as instructed by Mark is to update firmally manually elink 107 double clicked  now coming up with ERROR IN OPEN THE PORT.

So cant do anythink still have same issue iam a patient chap but its just anoying either that i wipe laptop and return to windows 8






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Mick, you may have patience but if you keep using the Quote button, then also putting your own comments in the yellow box, others will lose theirs.  Use the green Reply button at the bottom of the page as many have suggested, many times.


And you still haven't done as suggested and emailed HRMS from the Help window of RM have you?  Mark Lodge, manager of HCC may be quite knowledgable about RM, but he isn't the one who is going to log onto your PC and solve the problem for you. HRMS will.

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was that the correct procedure


The correct procedure is to use the internal RailMaster support request process documented on page 134 of the RM 1.63 manual. But note this: The quoted e-mail address shown on page 134 is for Hornby Customer Care and not appropriate for RailMaster issues. The best e-mail address to use (this is the one that the internal RM support process uses) is support@rail-master.com


Using the integrated RM support function is BETTER than using the direct e-mail address because the integrated support request process sends additional log and diagnostic files as attachments

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Just to doubly emphasise the point Mick, contacting HCC by email is not the correct procedure. I've told you twice and Chris once that the best thing to do is email HRMS from the contact form in the Help window of RM. And the reason it is better than contacting them via the direct support email address that Chris gave you is that it sends to HRMS the log.txt file from you RM folder which tells HRMS the exact sequence your RM has followed.


This email from RM when it reaches HRMS should generate an immediate automated response indicating it has been received.  If you don't get this, it almost certainly means RM is being blocked by your AV software.  If so, then use the direct support email from Chris.


I don't know whether you have attempted to do all of the things I told you to do by following the HRMS post on page 1 of this email but I do know you didn't do them successfully.  If you had, Mark Lodge wouldn't have found those things for you to fix.  No matter, HRMS will sort things out for you.


Just to add one final thing.  All of the things Chris and I have said assume you had RM up and running successfully on a previous version and/or before any OS upgrade from Windows 7 or earlier to 10.  If not, the basic setup procedures are covered in either of the 2 locked threads at the top of the RM forum.  The top one takes you to AC's excellent and comprehensive separate site.  The second just has a listing of procedures for various aspects.  If you have done everything in these there is at least a 99.9% chance you would now be up and running, if not, a much lower chance of success. Allowing HRMS to log onto your computer to do their thing raises the success rate to 99.99%.

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Ok Guys i got in touch with Railmaster through Email they replyed what my problem could be after digging

Ive gone through the procedure read the manual,when i connect the USB cable from Elink into the port the hardware should pick it up as found new hardware or something like that and this CDC RS-232 Emulation Demo should come up my has been locating into other devices and printers and ive no idea why this is my driver so railmaster recongnises the elink.


Is here any way i can manually install CDC RS-232 Emulation Demo





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