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Warning Box After Update

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downloaded latest railmaster update (system run perfectly for 3 years+ to date) : following restart after update I get warning box in centre track plan every approx 10 sec saying connecting to elite : then after a while instructed to disconnect usb and power lead in turn then reconnect in turn eventually saying elite connection lost and nothing working : as everything was ok till update the problem surely is in the update ? How do I solve this - not good at computer speak !!

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Andrew, this issue has been extensively discussed on the forum for the last couple of weeks. Suggest you have a look at this previous thread. In particular, note the solution posted by HRMS themselves (third post up from the bottom on page 2).


Pay attention in particular to the addition of the two extra lines that need to be added to your Railmaster.ini file.


Also note, if you want to reinstate the feedback of your Elite controller knobs back into RM (this has been disabled as standard in the 1.63 RM release). You will need to add this third line below to your Railmaster.ini file.


Elite feedback=1


Additionally, a lot of info regarding 1.63 release is contained in this previous thread. It is currently 14 pages long so contains a lot a 'chaff' and 'wheat' that will need sorting through, but all the information you need is somewhere in those 14 pages.

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Andrew, this is exactly the same as i had. Once you have added the 2 lines as per Chris, plus the Elite controller line, look for 2 things. Firstly check in  Spanner box that Baud rate is correct, in controller A, secondly, in device manager, also check Baud Rate. Mine had changed in device manager, and the moment that was corrected the  Warnibg box disappeared. It is essential Baud Rate is same in both places, or RM hunts to find Elite. john

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Andrew, this issue has been extensively discussed on the forum for the last couple of weeks. Suggest you have a look at this previous thread. In particular, note the solution posted by HRMS themselves (third post up from the bottom on page 2).


Pay attention in particular to the addition of the two extra lines that need to be added to your Railmaster.ini file.


Also note, if you want to reinstate the feedback of your Elite controller knobs back into RM (this has been disabled as standard in the 1.63 RM release). You will need to add this third line below to your Railmaster.ini file.


Elite feedback=1


Additionally, a lot of info regarding 1.63 release is contained in this previous thread. It is currently 14 pages long so contains a lot a 'chaff' and 'wheat' that will need sorting through, but all the information you need is somewhere in those 14 pages.


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Andrew, this issue has been extensively discussed on the forum for the last couple of weeks. Suggest you have a look at this previous thread. In particular, note the solution posted by HRMS themselves (third post up from the bottom on page 2).


Pay attention in particular to the addition of the two extra lines that need to be added to your Railmaster.ini file.


Also note, if you want to reinstate the feedback of your Elite controller knobs back into RM (this has been disabled as standard in the 1.63 RM release). You will need to add this third line below to your Railmaster.ini file.


Elite feedback=1


Additionally, a lot of info regarding 1.63 release is contained in this previous thread. It is currently 14 pages long so contains a lot a 'chaff' and 'wheat' that will need sorting through, but all the information you need is somewhere in those 14 pages.


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Andrew, may I humbly suggest, just for the sake of others reading this thread. That instead of clicking the BLUE Quote button on each individual post, that you scroll down to the bottom of the page. Put your reply in the big white text box and click the GREEN reply button. Each time you press the BLUE button, all the text in the yellow box gets duplicated un-necessarily. Plus the fact that in the last 2 of your posts you have not added any new text. There are ocassions when using the Blue Quote button is appropriate, but this is not one of them.


This reply is an example of using the GREEN button. As you can see this reply is easier for others reading the topic thread if it is not buried in reams of duplicated yellow text.

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Fishy, have you noticed that forum predictions are beginning to come true. An increased number of first time one posters asking the same connectivity issue question as a result of the 1.63 changes.


I still wonder how many are out there unaware of forum existence....

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A puzzle Chris.  


The thing is everyone who has done the auto upgrade now has this problem and, in the absence of the forum don't even know they need to install rev1.  Really does need to be something in Latest News or similar where everyone can see it.

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I agree with Chris and Fishy that there could be many users of RM out there who have taken the auto-updates and now have layouts that either won't work or only partly work and have no idea how to sort it either by contact with Hornby or HRMS or by way of these forums.


Maybe Hornby could put up a notice on the general web site where it would be easily seen by, but again it would need people to go looking for the info In the first place.

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