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Missing Hornby Elite track cable

70s kid

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I bought a second-hand but almost never used Hornby Select controller. Problem is when it arrived, there was no cable to connect it to the track.

I have an old DC controller that I was thinking of cannibalising the cable from but I noticed it was a good deal thinner than a friend's DCC (Elite) cable.

Would it be OK do you think to use the thinner, now surplus to requirement cable from the old DC controller with the Select? I assume there's a reason why the cable is heavier on the Elite? I saw an article about 'beefing' up the cables on controllers (I think it was an older-style DC) to enable more power to the track so I fear if I use the thinner cable, some of the advantages od DCC will be lost?

Alternatively I have a spare power-clip but it'd certainly be from a DC set. There's a capacitor (?) that if removed would make it DCC compatible but I'm still left in a puzzle about the cable? Is there a specific type or spec of cable that I can buy somewhere to use maybe if the above isn't a runner?

Thanks as always for your expertise.

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Hi kid, the chances are the cable will be fine.  For a start, your Select has a 1 amp supply and the Elite 4, although my memory tells me the Hornby supplied track cables are the same for each.  And even if a heavier cable might be slightly better, you'll do no damage using the lighter one and you'll not lose DCC functionality at all.


In summary, use it.

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I have used flexible twin core electrical cable (3amp) sold for low wattage mains items such as table lamps as a replacement controller to track cable in locations where I needed more length than the standard cable provided. I usually tin the cable ends to make it easier to insert into the terminals.

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Thanks guys. I was thrown by the thicker cable I saw on the Elite & with no cable for the Select to compare, I'll probably use some twin-core lighting cable I'm sure I have somewhere & will tin as suggested. . Just needed to check I wasn't going to 'fry' what otherwise appears a very good condition controller. 

Thanks again  

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Thanks Poliss (& everyone else), I know you guys are wayyyyyy more knowledgeable on this stuff & some of my queries must seem daft at times. I've always been very cautious about everything so would like to be sure I'm at least not going to do any harm & you always help reassure & advise. 

Thanks again 

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