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Elite suddenly going into error


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Hi All   Out of the blue my elite has gone into error mode without any sign of anything causing a short.  On each occasion I have been running several locos under voice recognition without any problems and then sudden error.   After hours of searching could find nothing causing fault.  Lifted locos off but no difference. Following day I established it is not the Elite as I connected to a separate rail and engine worked.  Equally connected select to track but same OL error.  On the first occasion I was just pressing escape successively and in deperation when suddenly one of locos jerked a little and then all reset.    Have run for several days since with no problem until tonight when again running under voice control, computer and railmaster on and suddenly error.   (original engine that jerked was not running and if removed from track made no difference.  Again can find no obvious reason for error.  After another few hours of searching still nothing and this time on off of escape has made not difference.

Anyone got any ideas please?

My elite firmware is the latest, my railmaster is the latest.  Error still there when not connected to computer







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 Hi Magfan  thanks for taking the time to respond and making a constructive one.   The only reason I put on forum was the way in which it resolved itself the first time without me apparently doing anything.   Today I started taking the locos off and then examining the track and I noticed that I had a former dcc power straight in place which had had its terminals removed.   This has been there for several years.  I then noticed that one of the piece of metal on the bottom which runs across both tracks.  Whilst it did not appear to be any different to what it has always been I decided to remove the metal just in case.  Hey presto a very happy and relieved Malcolm. I can only presume that with constant use and vibration it has gradually moved into a position where it had been in contact with the other track.   Obviously on the first occasion my moving things must have just dislodged it to free up power.   I am relieved as the thought of doing what you suggested, whilst absolutely right, did not make me happy.   Bazaar but all up and running again.   thanks Malcolm

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