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Reverting to 1.62

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Is this possible without the update exe file?. RM seems to delete the update download once it is installed. 

What version is on the disc? Maybe I could reinstall and stop updates.

The reason I ask this is, 1.61 was flaky, could maybe connect to the elink about 20% of the time. 1.62 was as close to perfect as you could get. 100% connection success, ran like a dream. 

1.63 has problems with functions not working , mainly the stop button. Click stop and either nothing happens (slider still works), or the slider will go to zero and the loco keeps going. It is not the entire program freezing as the clock keeps running.

Another problem is the controller reset button works straight up about 10% of the time. I have to cycle the "all start/stop" buttons to get it to work and sometimes nothing will work so I have to shut down RM, turn off elink etc. A REAL step backwards.

Everything was working fine until the update. I reinstalled the update from the exe in the link on this forum. No changes to laptop or trains. I have checked all the settings about 20 times am getting pretty sick of this.

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Fozzy, ask Adam (Admin) to send me your private email address. I will provide you a link to my 'cloud service' where you can download  a copy of my archived RM 1.62 rm_setup.exe file. Not comfortable putting the link here in the public domain. Note: that because it is a .EXE file, it will be contained within a .ZIP file. This will need un-zipping first before you can use it. Of course, not sure if HRMS happy for me to do this, so your request to contact me privately might be blocked by Admin.


What I would suggest to all. Since HRMS do not (as far as I know) provide links to previous versions for people who prefer to roll back. That with each stable release, you manually download a copy from the link on the forum (even if you have installed it via the auto upgrade function) and keep a local archive copy on your HDD.


This is what I do. I have archived releases back to 1.55

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1.63 has problems with functions not working , mainly the stop button. Click stop and either nothing happens (slider still works), or the slider will go to zero and the loco keeps going. 


Am I getting this too, I wonder? I thought it may be fat fingers. Suffered a few near crashes recently.

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Hmmm. I had those problems yesterday and I updated on Saturday so much so that I reverted back to manual control. I still have the 1.62 update so I wonder if it will go back or stay at 1.63, havnt got time now to do it but will do it later and see what happens.

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Yes, if you install the 1.62 setup file, you will end up with 1.62.


However, my advice for what it's worth - don't. There's a reason for there being a 1.63 and that is 1.62 has bugs, 1.63 has less.  You are better off with 1.63.  In fact, download and install it again to make sure you have the very latest revision. 

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