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Hornby decoder problem with Sprog3 & JMRI...


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Please can you help with my problem…


I have lots of Hornby kit including Elite and Select controllers, but I recently purchased the Sprog3 and am running it with the latest JMRI ver 4.


Everything is working fine with some of my Locos except those fitted with Hornby DCC decoders.  I have both the 8 pin R8249 and 4 pin X9659.


The Hornby Locos do not respond to the JMRI throttle at all.


If have tried programming two Locos to the same address and put them on the same track. One of the Locos has a Lenz decoder fitted and the other has a Hornby Decoder.


If I then plug in a Hornby Elite controller and try driving the Locos they both move at the same time, which is what you’d expect. But if I then plug in the Sprog3/JMRI4 setup and try the same, the Lenz Loco moves but the Hornby does not !


I just wondered does anyone have a similar setup my own with a Sprog3 and JMRI ver4?


If your Locos with Hornby decoders work OK, please could you tell me the exact version of JMRI you are using and if possible the firmware version of your Sprog 3?


This would be really helpful, because I can then duplicate the same versions on my layout and see if it solves the problem.






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If you haven't done so already, you might be better served by placing this post on the 'Model Railway Forum'. As this is a Hornby forum very few, if any at all, users here will be using Sprog and JMRI. This will limit the validity of any responses that you might get here. I know that many Hornby forum users here, subscribe and contribute to that forum also. Not sure, but I think the other forum has a dedicated JMRI section.

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