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Turntable Speed Degradation/Track Power


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Hi Barry/Fishmanoz

Thanks for the suggestions. As Fishman say's, I can control the turntable perfectly with the Elite and the Select as a walkabout - all I want it to do is work just as efficiently via RM. 

Fishyman - FYI; I've logged a support request to RM via the program on (my) Saturday, but haven't had a response yet. Will keep this thread updated with the results.

Thjanks again,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

An update. More tests have been done and the TT runs perfectly when controlled by the Elite, the Select Walkabout and RM as a loco (#50). When clicking on the TT symbol in the layout (correctly set up as address 50) TT performs as I've previously described - runs fine to the first ext, slower to the second exit and doesn't make it to the third exit. Given that it works fine with every other method of control, I can't see that it's a motor or decoder issiue.

As mentioned, I've logged it with RM support and their first response was a suggestion that it must be motor/chip related, but they've since advised that they will do some testing in their own layout. That was a couple of weeks ago, so I'm looking forward to their response.

Will keep you posted.


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Hi Codger,

I've just tried out my Hornby TT using RM. I clicked the TT icon 8 times on the right hand side, and it performed perfectly, rotating through 180 degrees clockwise and pausing at each intermediate road. I then tried the same using a RM program containing a command "Anticlockwise 8", and again it performed perfectly, without speed degradation.

In your INI file, do you have the TT speed set to a value similar to the cruise speed on its setup as loco #50 ? Could you tell us what both INI file TT entries are set to ?


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Hi Ray,

Thanks for your input. The shunt speed of loco #50 TT is 30. The TT speed is set the same and the TT timer is at 20. 

I tested it again this evening by using loco 50 on shunt and the TT worked perfectly - I let it run through 360. I then performed the same as your test of clicking the TT icon in the layout clockwise 8 times and after 8 starts and timed stops it had moved through 2 roads. I then again set loco 50TT on to shunt and it worked perfectly. I have already (yesterday) downloaded and installed the latest RM Setup (v1.63.2, 11 11 2015) and again, can not accept that it's a motor or decoder issue. I've worked for almost 30 years in a software support and training role and know full well the methods of issue elimination- i.e., under what circumstances can an issue be replicated and in this case, it's only when using the TT icon in the RM software. This to me suggests an RM software issue.

Railmaster INI settings pasted from the INI file are below. I'll be interested to hear what your INI settings for these parameters are.

Turntable speed=30Turntable timer=20.00



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Hi Codger,

My INI file settings are:-

Turntable speed=40

Turntable timer=23.5


The speed is the same as the cruise speed for its loco definition. When you run loco 50 at shunt speed (30) does it take 20 seconds from arrival at one exit to arrival at the next?

I've just thought of something - are you using scale speeds for your locos? Also, is there any acceleration or deceleration CV set in your decoder?



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Hi Ray,

Thanks for the tips. There were no acceleration/deceleration settings in the decoder, BUT, RM was set to run scale speed. When I turned that off, I noticed the 'Gauge' in the settings screen was set to HO, so I corrected that to OO/EM/P4. The TT then worked as it should when clicking the TT in the layout schematic. I had to make some adjustments to timings, but it worked well - no speed degradation; the speed was consistent when going though multiple roads, so I was happy.

I then reasoned that I needed to prove conclusively what the issue was, so I turned scale speed back on, and again, the TT worked fine. I then re-set the Gauge to HO and the speed degradation issue came back. Naturally, I've re-set it to OO/EM/P4. A very subtle, but important swetting. I doesn't really answer the question as to why the TT speed got slower with each click, but I guess that's something that RM can look at in their own time. I'll email them directly and let them know the reason for the issue.

Again thanks so much for the input and suggestions. As Clouseau would say "the case is solv ed"!



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