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V1.63, remote mouse control, multiple headers window?


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Hello all

First post on here so please be gentle...

I've been using Railmaster with the Elink successfully for several months.  Last week I upgraded to v 1.63.  Everything seemed fine but, when using the remote mouse control to select a loco, once a selection has been made a new Multiple Header window appears.  This is new behaviour and isn't wanted - I haven't configured any multiple headers and do not wish to use them.  The remote mouse doesn't allow any selection to be made in this window and therefore can no longer be used.  I couldn't find any way to restore the normal behaviour so reinstalled v 1.60 from the Cd.  Everything is now fine, but I would much rather use the new version.

Any advice welcome.l - it feels like it should be a simple fix.

Previously emailed this to customer care, beforehand realising this excellent forum existed.

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Dunder, as this is your first post welcome to the forum. Not really a solution to your problem, but just a few bits of info that you might find useful. Emailing Hornby Customer Care (HCC) will add extra delay to getting your issue resolved. HCC deal only with hardware issues. Anything to do with the software, like RailMaster (RM) for example, is supported by a different company (a sub-contractor to Hornby). Their direct email address is support@rail-master.com it's a pity you uninstalled 1.63 because the 'help' function within RM sends a help request message direct to this mail address along with diagnostic files taken from your RM installation to aid their ability to resolve your issue. Since you have reverted back to 1.60, they will not be able to see the relevant files to help diagnose your particular problem. Had you kept the problematic 1.63 installation on your PC, they additionally could have logged into your system remotely and performed online checks and diagnostics. Nothing to stop you sending an email describing your problem via a direct message to the email address given above though. Hope this additional info helps, if only for future reference.


Of course, there is still a chance that other's here have seen your issue too and can make suggestion in replies here to resolve it.


EDIT: Dunder, as you have just seen above, support@rail-master.com (Hornby RailMaster Support HRMS) monitor this forum and where possible, particularly if an easy fix, will reply here directly in the thread. The other thing you will notice, is the time of day support is available from HRMS as we are currently at time of writing 11:30 PM UK time. HRMS posted their reply whilst I was busy typing my response above. I have left my original response above intact as it still contains contact details in it that should be useful to you for the future.

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Thank you for all the detailed information Chrisaaf, much appreciated.  

And thank you to HRMS for the reply.  Unfortunately this isn't the solution... The remote mouse does work so is enabled.  The problem is that, after the upgrade to 1.63, having held down the scroll wheel and selected the loco as normal with the scroll wheel, a multiple headers window appears which cannot be dismissed with the remote mouse.  Thus wasn't the case with the previous version - once the loco was selected you just got on with driving it. 

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Hi Dunder, there has been an additional way that the multiple headers screen can be called up. It is now possible by keeping your scroll wheel depressed for 2 seconds or more. If you just scroll you shouldn't get this behaviour, That is in 1.63 of course, so you will need to go back to that. I got this a short while ago, and I didn't realise that this change had been put in place so I posted about it somewhere - but I can't find it now. R-


Oh - just found it...




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I remember reading that post first time round Roger. It was in the back of my mind when I wrote my first reply above (I thought, I'm sure I've seen reference to this problem before, but where did I see it?), but couldn't remember what post I'd seen it in. Suppose not easy to search for either, given the unrelated topic title used. The main thing though, is that your linked post appears to be a definitive solution for Dunder. Not a 'fault', just a 'feature'.


So my "Of course, there is still a chance that other's here have seen your issue too and can make suggestions in replies here to resolve it." comment turned out to be very apt, as you came along.

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Chris, I don't believe there is any reason for not being able to email HRMS from within the Help window of v1.60.  Except of course the log.txt entries sent will be relevant to 1.60 not 1.63.


But then Dunder, reverting to an earlier version will also not be a solution.  You should go to the link at the top of the RM forum and download and install the latest.  It is important to do this regularly as HRMS introduces minor bug fixes from time to time without changing the actual version and causing the auto update feature to appear on RM startup.  It would also be a good idea to go to the thread titled Hornby Railmaster and look at HRMS's post at the bottom of page 1 and make sure your ini file has all of the appropriate entries for your configuration.

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"Except of course the log.txt entries sent will be relevant to 1.60 not 1.63."


I thought that was exactly what I said. You can do it, but if the 1.63 files are not there then it is not a lot of use.


Just an observation Fishy, but are reading the same posts as me. I thought Roger's reply cleared up Dunder's issue. It was not a 'fault' it was a new unexpected 'feature' he was seeing as a fault.

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Roger's post related to version 1.63. So the assumption would be that Dunder would reinstate his 1.63 version, then modify his use of the mouse scroll wheel (rotating it without holding it down) to overcome the issue he was experiencing. Of course, at this instant it time there has been no confirmation from Dunder that he has, has not, or even intends to reinstate 1.63.


In fact there is no confirmation that Dunder has even seen Roger's posted comment. So it's all rather academic at present.

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Thank you for all the advice.  Very much appreciated.  

This evening I reinstalled v1.63 (revision2, as released today) and tried again.  Still the same issue. I tried different duration presses on the remote mouse scroll wheel but could not yield any different behaviour - the loco selection cones first, as anticipated, followed by the unwanted multiple headers dialogue.  Try as I might, I could not get anything different to happen.

Whilst 1.63 was installed I took the opportunity of sending a help request to HRMS from within the programme. Then I reinstalled 1.60 again and all returned to normal.

I'm still hoping it's something I'm doing wrong, and I'll have the opportunity to say that I've been a numpty!  I'll keep you all posted. 

Thanks again. 


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