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Bug Watch

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I'm starting this thread in hopes that it will provide a convenient 'Go-To' for members and Admin alike. Bugs in the website can be quickly brought to Admin's attention, who in turn can provide feedback on the fixes, all in one place.


To start off, it appears that the KitStarter 'Pre-Order button has stopped working ... it started out being unclickable, which seems to have fixed, but the item doesn't go into the cart, which opens up with the previous comtents only.

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Hello again!

Revisiting my wishlist after a long, long time, I noticed that a couple of items were no longer available and were marked 'Discontinued' on one and 'Out of Stock' on the other.

I thought I'd do some housekeeping and remove them, but it seems the only way to do that is to go to the item page and click on the little heart at the bottom.

Discontinued items don't have a page, so I can't do that. We need a 'Remove' function on the Wishlist page.

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