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Roco BR 144


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Stewart...............you would not fit an accessory decoder into a locomotive, I expect you mean a Loco Decoder.  You will have to look inside to see if there is an NEM decoder socket already installed then you can simply plug in the decoder of your choice...........HB

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The principles of conversion are simple, the practicalities sometimes more difficult on much older locos.  As magfan says, take the body off and post a picture showing the motor up close and one with the whole chassis and we can advise. The chances are a 5 yr old loco won't be difficult. 

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It should say the post has been saved but will be held for moderation as it contains a picture.

there are two ways of uploading pictures either from your PC using the black/white icon above the reply box or from a remote curl such as cloud storage using the green icon.

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Some time ago I posted a 'how to' post an image that included step by step screen shots. You can review it here to see if you followed the same procedure. As RAF says, a photo / image has to be checked by Admin before it gets posted, so there are likely to be longer delays particularly 'out of hours' and at weekends before it appears.


When the post has been successfully accepted after clicking the 'Green' Reply button, the page refreshes and your reply disappears exactly as you have described, but with one slight addition. At the top of the page a line of text appears with a slight bluey green highlight behind it that says something along the lines of:


"Your post has been saved successfully, but as it contains an image it has been held for moderation"


This line of text usually doesn't get spotted by newbies as it isn't very prominently displayed. And many times you have to manually scroll up the screen to see it.

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