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My experience is that it was very fast - probably just 20 minutes or so. Maybe I was just lucky, but you (52train) seem to have been waiting more than 24 hours now which seems odd to me. Have you checked to see if there is a response in your SPAM folder? R-

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Having been forced to replace my RM computer by a new one, at the weekend I had to request deactivation of my RM key so as to re-install it on the new computer. As Roger says, it only took 20 minutes or so, and I'm pretty sure the process is automated at the HRMS end, especially as I did it on Sunday.


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As we know, they work 24/7, so there shouldn't be a delay.  And we know the 2 main causes for there being delays. The first is people contacting HCC rather than HRMS. And the second is AV blocking the email from getting out in the first place.


If the first is the problem, there'll be an auto acknowledge from HCC then likely nothing for days, and maybe not very helpful when it does come.  In the second, there will be no auto acknowledge as the email doesn't go.

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When I had to download RM to a new pc at the weekend, I was told by HRMS to go ahead and enter the Product key as if a new user. Then, after RM has informed you that the key is already active, it provides you with a form to fill in to request de-activation of the key. You are provided with a dropdown list of reasons for de-activation (which includes pc or hard drive failure). Having filled in the form, within minutes an email arrives telling you that de-activation has been successful. It is just then a case of going to your new pc (which by this time has RM installed as an evaluation copy) and entering your Product key to attempt activation again. If you also have ProPack, you can also reinstate that by entering its key in the box provided in the System Settings window. It is so fast that it must be automated.


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