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Programming problems

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Do the crossovers work when you click the point buttons on the layout diagram? Perhaps if you posted here the lines of your program which are giving the problem, then we may be able to help. Are you running the program in the program editing window or from the main screen?


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Hl sorry for replay delay (wife with plans)

Yes the buttons work on layout diagram and yes its in the programming  editing window.

The decoders I have are DCC concepts ads-2 and train tech pc-1 with windows 7 and elink.

All of them work fine every time on layout but in prorgam mode only single points fire

Later tonight going to try same programming in recoding mode and hope for better result's




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Hi again

time between points firing is 5 seconds and yes crossovers wired to same decoder .

just tried in recoding mode and all worked fine .but when run from program on main screen 1 set of points on siding wont fire the train tech ones .the siding points are wired together could this be this be the problem being wired together

thanks again


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I run programs with only 2 secs between point firings and never usually have a miss. Any program fouls I get seem to be skipped loco commands.

Presumably when RM is initialising all layout points at startup (if selected) that is run by a similar program to the ones we use, and all mine (1-13) fire without problems, including the 2 pairs that are doubled up.

Against all advice I have mine wired and fired totally sequential i.e. Decoder 1 runs points 1-4, decoder 2 runs points 5-8, decoder 3 runs points 9-12, etc and at startup they go 1, 2, 3, 4A/B, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9A/B, 10, 11, 12 & 13. 

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Hi Ray, sorry I dont know how to send programme lines but since last time I have tried each point on siding individually. They run on record but not on playback as before. This only affects the two points on siding. Im thinking of changing to individual decoders and shortening the wire run which is quite long. Do you think thats worth a try.

On an unrelated topic when running programme has stopped, if I click on anywhere on main screen it changes the last running loco to reverse. 



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Hi TC,

If the points work ok when you click their red/green buttons on your track diagram on the main Railmaster screen, then there is nothing wrong with the wiring. When I said post your program lines, what I meant was just type them in e.g.

2.0 Points 0023 Switch left

4.0 Points 0037 Switch right


I hadn't noticed the change of direction of last running loco. I'll watch out for that and let you know.


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Hi Ray

The timing for point changes start at

46.36  controller A  Port 0010  switch left

58.86  conrtoller A  Port 0012  switch right

69.71  controller A  Port 0012  switch left

The problems are with 0012

Two weeks ago I downloaded version 1.63 from Powerpos site after having problems with short circuits. I dont know wether this has anything to do with it or not.  Its worth noting that this is the first time Ive used programming so Ive no idea if it worked on other versions before this. If I wasnt grey before, I certainly am now !




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I have the same problem when running a program.  Strangely enough and pure coincidence but mine is on a port 12 as well.


In my case, all my crossovers except this one, consist of either 2 left points or 2 right points.  No problem with these.


However, I have 2 other points, 1 left and 1 right that I have set up to operate together and they work perfectly when clicking the icons on the diagram but only one operates when trying to change them from a program.


The answer in my case has been to give one of them a dummy port number (13 in my case) and when using these 2 points in a program, I program it to set point 12 left and a separate command to set point 13 right (or vice versa).


My understanding is that RailMaster does not recognise that one point may have to go left and the other right.


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The clue is in that need to switch one point left and the other right isn't it?  Might be worth looking up passing loops on here and the solutions suggested as they have the one left and one right problem.  Then again, RDS's dummy point is the best workaround for them too.

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The clue is in that need to switch one point left and the other right isn't it?  Might be worth looking up passing loops on here and the solutions suggested as they have the one left and one right problem.  Then again, RDS's dummy point is the best workaround for them too.

Yes but this solution is simply to get the blue point indicators to reflect on the diagram the way the points have changed. It has nothing to do with the actual points firing the right way. My understanding of TC's problem is that these crossover points (0012) work ok when the buttons are pressed on the layout diagram, but just don't work at all when commanded by a program.

TC, when you run the program from the program editing window, are you pressing the button along the bottom of the window which "marks" every line in the program for execution?


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Yes your understanding is spot on and I do mark all lines to run .its not the blue lines its the firing off just those certain points .when I get the time I will try RDS suggestion wihich seems to work for him and report back.

Thanks all



This might sound daft, but go to the lines in your program which are for Port 0012, and open up the dropdown list of points. Is your point 0012 highlighted in its numerical place in the list, or is it the very first in the list, above all of the other points? If the latter, scroll down the list until you find another entry for 0012 in the right numerical sequence and select that one. Then see if that makes any difference.


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