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R8249 decoder cv adjustment


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Hi mjb...........this is where the shortcomings of the R8249 decoder are exposed because you can only adjust CV3 Acceleration Rate and CV4 Deceleration Rate........There is no provision to adjust Start Voltage or Slow Running.......However, I have an R8249 fitted in a Class 2P 4-4-0 with tender and it's slow running is excellent due in no small part to having pickups on both driving wheels and tender wheels...........My CV3 is set to 3 and CV4 set to 10. HB.

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Yes, the 8249 is very limited in the CVs that can be adjusted, but no, this shouldn't affect slow running.  Even adjustment of CVs 3 and 4 will have minimal affect on slow running as this involves little acceleration or deceleration anyway.  Same goes for back EMF, the other thing adjustable with an 8249.  As already stated, cleanliness is the clue.


The exception of course is for those who implement custom speed curves but these are advanced features for those wanting to achieve particular outcomes, not something the average user is likely to need to make their locos run better.

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