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County of Worcester DCC installation


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Opened a box and found a working R2085. Knew I had it but also have the Dapol version.


Near identical in mechanics and minor livery differences.


So which one should I convert to DCC?


Anyone done it or point me to a video? I know of FlashBangs wonderful site but I'm one of those to whom a picture is worth a thousand words and if I can see someone doing the exact same installation it's better for me than someone writing 'first check this by doing that' and referring to a generic illustration.

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So which one should I convert to DCC?


I suppose there are two possible answer to that.....no wait a minute....three.



The one that runs with the best performace under DC.

& the third one......Neither

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Took the body off the Dapol one to put a litlle oil on both ends of the armature as per the Dapol instructions and it goes as well as the Hornby after running in both on the rolling road. Was hoping to get personal experience as Ramsay's infers new retooling was sold to Hornby while Dapol sold the Airfix tooled one. No mention whether anything mechanical or electrical was improved on in the Hornby model.

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Looking at service sheet 231 for the Hornby R2085 it appears the left wheels pickup from wipers, which is then wired to the motor front brush and the right wheels from the axle via the chassis block and rear motor mounting screw to the rear motor brush.

The usual rules apply for conversion - it is essential you isolate the motor brushes from the chassis (using nylon brush isolating screw if thats the only way), ditch the capacitors and wire these to the motor (orange/grey) wires of the decoder and connect the left wheels pickup wire and chassis block pickup to the track (red/black) wires of the decoder.

Can't find a Dapol service sheet for comparison.

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