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Latest Windows 10 update

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I have downloaded the big November Windows 10 update. RM 1.63 r2 running exactly as it was before. So the update does not appear to have created any issues. However I have had an issue in that RM refuses to log onto the internet. Tried all the usual including deleting Norton anti virus software and turning off windows defender, all to no effect. I had hoped that perhaps this windows update might fix it but again no. No other programme has an issue with internet connection. HRMS say there must be something on my machine that is blocking RM. What or how to find it I haven't the least idea. As a form member I get to know when there is an update and can load it manually.

Anybody got any ideas how to find the offending RM internet access blocker?

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Winodws 10 nor its updates are likely to cause any issue with Internet connections. Drivers for network cards have been virtually the same since the days of XP and change very little. Why? Because the technology behind each network card has changed very little. So don't worry about updates from Microsoft or indeed network (or NIC) drivers.


The issue is more likely to be one from within your machine itself... just as HRMS have said. I am not just backing HRMS up here - I speak from years of experience.


Fishy has asked if you have followed my instructions re my Help Site. You say you have but you mention Norton's AV. This program alone WILL interfere with RM and connections to the outside world... even if you think you have uninstalled it. It's one of the most aggressive programs around for blocking network utilities and very few techies ever use it... I wonder why?


There is a tool, oddly enough, released by Norton's themselves because they KNOW that their program leaves residual files which are still active after uninstallation and which can interfere with other programs. Seek that out from their site and run it to remove the residual stuff and THEN follow my own site instructions to the 't' and come back if issues still persist.


You only need use the Windows own Firewall unless you are one of those who require absolute protection by using a far more stern or professional firewall built in to professional routers etc.


The upshot then is to do what is asked above, try again, and then come back if it fails.

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GWR greg, hi, interesting that you have the big new  update, as has now been withdrawn by windows. pending problems.  American forums alive with views on bugs and unfullfilled expectations. Let us hope that when it is re- released, it does not again conflict in any way. john

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Having just updated the train-pc to Win 10 this afternoon without any problems, apart from losing my printers, I tried RM and again no problems so far apart from those noted earlier and not yet fixed - 2nd throttle feedback, etc. No settings were lost, no inio file changes lost, no cgrey controller icons, etc, it just works OK as far as I have taken it - points and locos and twin throttles.


On the printer front I went to Canon website where they declare my old printer is not and never will be supported for Win 10, so undeterred I asked the pc printer properties dialogue box to auto update the driver and bingo it now works on Win 10. It also picks up the Canon airplay printer in the other room.


I don't have time to investigate the Win SP1 problems John mentioned as I am off to the airport at 4am tomorrow so its got to be an early night and when I get to UK I won't have my Win 10 kit to play with, only an old but completely reliable XP laptop.

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AC. After a lot of time and effort I have deleted every last festige of Norton Internest Security. RM still inconsistently logs on to the internet. If it does it only does it is only the  first time after turning the computer on.  It will not log on if I exit RM then start it again. This problem has only started relatively recently. When I first started using RM it was not a problem. RM operates as it should via elink, with the exception of known issues.

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Having had mega problems with both Norton and McAfee in the past I avoid them like the plague.

I rely upon my ISP's router firewall, Windows Defender, AVG free and Malware Bytes to do their respective jobs and so far these have kept me safe and do not interfere with anything unduly.

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Augustus, hi, i have always had Norton on my RM machine, without any conflict. Bought a 5 machine package, at special price, that runs without probs. john

I'm happy for you John... seriously... not just because you have little or no trouble but for the fact that this program DOESN'T give you any trouble! It really is a pain to most techies and it's rather easy to see why they don't use it.

With RM it will and does get in the way. Having said that, different versions of the program will give different users many different results.

If you're happy with it and RM smiles away at you and does its job then that's great but most folk will struggle I'm afraid. Just another computer quirk...

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Yep, that is the toll to use in order to rid the laptop/PC of residual files.



Even though you used this tool you COULD enter the registry and look for any keys or entries pertaining to Norton, Symantec and/or other strings related to that product.

This will eliminate ALL last residual data. However, the Tool will remove the bits that are important so it's not absolutely necessary to do the registry bit unless you are confident of what you are doing. So, maybe just leave it there...

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Augustus, hi, Maybe i have finally found something good about  the French version, of windows 7. Perhaps as it differs in so many ways from uk/ american version, the conflicting bit, does not exist, in the french version. Even HRMS, on their  visits to my laptop, seem ok with it. They have never asked me to remove it.. john

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AC. After a lot of time and effort I have deleted every last festige of Norton Internest Security. RM still inconsistently logs on to the internet. If it does it only does it is only the  first time after turning the computer on.  It will not log on if I exit RM then start it again. This problem has only started relatively recently. When I first started using RM it was not a problem. RM operates as it should via elink, with the exception of known issues.

If you are using the machine detailed at the foot of your posts (signature) I am looking at this and seeing just a wireless connection that is available. The model I see has no socket for an Ethernet cable.

If this is wrong and you have both wireless AND cable connections available you may be wanting to use just a simple wireless connection for flexibility of moving the laptop around during train operation times.


One thing that you may not have considered is this:

Wireless signals are fickle and can be lost easily even after years of happy use and little bother. Some things that interfere with wireless signals are: infra red signals (remote controls), steel within walls, fluourescent lighting, fridges, freezers, microwaves, mobile phones, thick rafters in ceilings etc... the list is much larger.


If your wireless router has an on-off switch you may wish to turn it off (via the mains or its own switch) for around twenty to thirty seconds and then back on again. This will clear residual cache memory in the router plus any code or electricity that is hanging around the circuitry inside.

Another potential problem is that of IP allocation by the router. It is almost certain that your router will be allocating IP addresses via what is known as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and maybe when you switch on the laptop or PC (whichever you use) you are being presented with a new IP address by the router. If other equipment is also obtaining an IP address via the router (mobiles, printers, other computers etc.) then each one will be allocated an IP address in order of when they are switched on.

You CAN allocate a FIXED IP address dependant upon the make and model of the router which allows you to apply the SAME IP address to the same piece of equipment every time it is switched on and no matter in what order. You will need to look into that for your router model.


Have a mull over this lot and try some suggestions like the static IP allocation and see what that does. It's usually a good idea to have a fixed IP anyway so your equipment will never be confused by the router giving out the same IP to two pieces of equipment causing a conflict where they both stop connecting.


Let us know how you get on. If you aren't sure come back to me or contact me via the link on my Help Site.

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Greg, if AC is correct and your Laptop has no cable Ethernet socket and can only use wireless. When I bought my Laptop with Windows 8 on it, I had issues with the default wireless configuration. On my machine it had defaulted to block wireless communication if it thought the wi-fi was a 'public' domain that had 'usage based' charges associated with it. This is of course exactly what the Internet is. It was a long time ago now and I can't remember exactly what configuration change I made, but basically I had to manually configure the wireless interface to use the interface without restriction.


Oddly, not all communication was blocked, e-mail and browser worked fine, but anything out of the ordinary was blocked. In my case it was Windows Update. It's possible that your Windows 10 laptop has a similar restrictive wireless policy configured. My machine has an Ethernet socket and in the early days I had to resort to a wired Internet connection to perform updating. Once I made the wireless configuration change, I found the Windows Update then worked wirelessly as well.


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Beware! Besides the relatively minor issue of RM not always connecting to the internet, I now have big windows issues. Cannot open settings app plus a couple of others. Google search shows it to be a known problem. A fix by Microsoft seems to work for some but not others. Tried Microsoft answer desk. Ran something in powershell. Told me it would cost £65 to£119 to fix as require in depth troubleshooting. Said no! He told me I had a corrupted profile, offer a link for me to work on. Useless as does not apply to windows 10 as you need settings to add a new profile!! All this since updating Windows,  no wonder Microsoft have now pulled it!

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GWR GREG, hi, am really sorry to hear this. I knew there were major probs, through my lad in US, and was surprised when you appeared to have  done it.Can you not roll back to previous windows, 7/8, as i fear that even when they finally roll out the big update, it aint going to help you. Its always the same with new releases, which is why , advice  on line, was to wait until after this big update, before going to windows 10. I belive, and Augustus, will no doubt confirm, that you will still have old  windows on your machine, hidden away.. Given the probs with elink/RM, microsoft, have a lot to answer for. I dont think you will be the only one, in this boat, although it is no comfort. Let us know, how you get on. john

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How can you tell if W10 has been removed from your machine? As far as I can tell mine is still post the November update and working as normal. I can't find anything on-line about the update being withdrawn. Serious question guys, not trying to start a big hoo-haa. R-

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Roger B, nothing has been removed from your machine. Unless you actually  downloaded the big update, you are fine. Your original windows 10, will  run as before. If you really cannot find anything on line about the update being a problem, you are looking in the wrong place. Internet is alive with us guys with probs. Its all to do with a major bit locker bug, on 1511. Update will now not occur, but be rolled out in dribs and drabs.  Greg was singularly unfortunate, as he was a bit quick in his download, afore it had been fully checked out by the geeks. Once they looked at it, despondancy spread. Look up Windows november update probs. john

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Yes, sorry, I could have put it a bit better than that. I thought folk were saying that the November update had been withdrawn so we (those who downloaded it) would have had it removed in the dead of night by MS and be put back to the pre-update version. I see what you are saying now, but I still don't have any bugs. R-

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Roger, then you are fine. A lot of snags appear to do with certain makes of computer/ tablet. The Bit Locker Bug, has affected some, whose machines have locked up. Others have similar to greg.  All the advice was to wait until after this big/ massive update, due 15th november, before  upgrading,to windows 10, but many  ignored this and appear to be ok. I am very pleased most are fine, as we would have been inundated, with queries otherwise..  Its a bit like the RM upgrades, most were ok, but for me and a few others, we had the odd snag.  Dell must be one of the machines, that did not play up... Back to playing trains. john

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